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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

Adrenalin and multi-monitor

Why does the Adrenalin software monitoring window now get sucked from your 2nd monitor to your 1st monitor and hidden behind your game? It makes the software totally useless. Not sure about others, but I use that software to monitor my GPU, WHILE I'M PLAYING A GAME. Not when I'm browsing the web or watching videos. Isn't the purpose of it to monitor your GPU during gameplay? So why does it only disappear when you launch a game? It literally has 1 job but can't do it!

4 Replies
Adept I

It doesn't like portrait mode on a 2nd monitor, apparently. It consistently creeps from monitor 2 onto monitor 1. Sometimes only an inch or 2 onto monitor 1 but that's enough to ruin your whole experience. I maximize it on monitor 2 in portrait mode. It will either completely move the window from monitor 2 to monitor 1 and hide it behind the game, or resize it so that it's on monitor 2 but partially on monitor 1 and also behind the game.

It's useless like this!

Adept I

It's been fine until a few updates ago this problem started. I update drivers consistently.

Journeyman III

It is really an annoying issue. Sometimes I use keyboard shortcuts to put the window back at the right place.

I have been plague with multi-monitors issues for years. I didn't upgrade the drivers for more than a year because that particular driver didn't have issues. Then those issues were resolved last spring and got Starfield, so I kept drivers up to date. But now those last 2-3 drivers are awful. 

I use a total of 6 monitors, I know it's not common, but it was working well last year.

Adept II

Ive not had that problem , using 3 ultrawides as one with EyeInfinity and using the overlay . Even if I disable the EyeInfinity the overlay goes and stays on any screen where I want . Using 24.21 driver .