Hi Everyone !
I've been using the latest AMD Adrenalin 2020 driver (faced this issue on both both recommended + optional beta driver).
After installing the process "Radeon Software: Host Application" is taking CPU usage around 30-35% while the system starts, to temporary fix this issue I then 'End Task" in from Task Manager, but it again appears when I start/re-start the system again.
The process is located from the file "RadeonSoftware.exe" under "C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CNext\RadeonSoftware.exe" location.
I am using Windows 10 (19H2 v1909 build 18363.535) 64BIT , i7 processor, 8GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB HDD, AMD R7 M440 .
Is this a known issue ? If yes = it's a big issue/bug.
If there's any suggestion on it please do help.
Thank you
I'm also having the same problem, i'm using amd 520 and the new radeon software is making CPU usage goes up to 40%. didn't find a solution except ending the task. i hope someone post a solution to this problem or i'm downgrading to previous versions of the software.
This was probably the worst update . . .
Each time I need to END TASK the process , even My laptop's Fan starts making noise due to high CPU usage . . . .
Disappointing !
Ya, expecting a hotfix update by AMD, hope they're aware of this bug . . .
It's annoying to disable the task each time upon system load.
They won't be aware unless it's reported >> https://www.amd.com/en/support/contact-email-form
All Right, I've just reported it .
Hi Everyone !
You have still the same problem????? because I have still , the fan is working all the time!!!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
Same problem here with the update: Win10-Radeon-Software-Adrenalin-2020-Edition-20.1.1-Jan9
Ya, the latest driver "Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.1.1 Optional" have not fixed the issue .
Annoying bug but simple fix
Credits go to this lad tqing12
Go to my computer > Videos folder and create folder named "Radeon ReLive"
After that, kill Radeon Software from task manager and open it again.
Hope it helps.
Registered here just to say THANKS!
AMDRSServ was in the C:\Program Files\AMD\CNext\CNext folder and i right clicked it and deleted it and it stopped that circle blinking all the time against my cursor + i didnt have to go into task manager and end that radeon host service process ever again.
I created this account here just to say THANK YOU SIR!
YOU ARE A GENIUS! Nothing else worked, this worked.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone, I know hos to fix it!
You need to swtich off this setting: go into Radeon settings > Relive > Recording > "Instant Replay" turn the switch so it displays as "off"
I hope all of you can fix this.