Just went through the hell of BSODs thanks to Adrenalin drivers so had to start a post.
I got myself a mini PC with the 7940HS chip. I was planning to dual boot Windows and Linux, and have been having all the issues with the dreaded graphics drivers from AMD. I was on 23.7.2 when I first installed Windows and already ran into a BSOD. I had spent maybe ~30 mins on Windows and went on to run Linux full time to power my VMs etc. Today I wanted to set up Windows for some light gaming, that's when the pain began.
I updated Adrenalin to 23.8.1 from 23.7.2, chose not to reboot, and minutes later Windows forced it on me anyways (BSOD). Then came the BSOD streak - minutes after bootup the OS would hang, so quick that I didn't even get to see the error msg in full. The errors pointed to ntoskrnl.exe, all at the same mem address offset (I'll link a minidump file in the post). I had enough and DDU'd the whole thing, and could use the PC just fine. I decided to give it another try so I clean installed the drivers, nope, same BSOD streak. I thought maybe I should stay on 23.7.2, so I reinstalled that version. Lo and behold, it did last longer on the old version drivers but BSOD would eventually arrive. I don't think it was able to last longer than 15 minutes. Well, at least it's better than 23.8.1's 2-3 min average!
Right now I'm typing this post on "Microsoft Basic VGA Driver". The screen resolution is fked but at least my system has been running fine for 30+ mins!
Honestly, AMD really botched the Phoenix launch. It was such a promising product line but from the beginning there'd been nothing but problems. From the paper launch to the non-working drivers, AMD kept eroding my confidence in the company. I used to own multiple AMD products from desktop to laptop chips, and the latter had always fallen short, and there's never really one Adrenalin release that was bug-free. At least my systems remained usable, unlike what I'm currently seeing.
AMD please get your acts together.
(As can be seen, all kinds of error messages / codes, same address offset. One of the minidumps that got removed even said the offending driver was storport.sys which had me wondering if my SSD was the culprit!)
Link to Minidump