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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

7900 XTX freeze and crash

Full AMD build here paired with a R9 7950x

Before stating the problems and my opinion I will say that I'm running windows 11, my PSU is a corsair 1500w and that my bios and chipset drivers are updated. The problems I am experiencing are 100% from the Adrenalin drivers.

I was running on 24.1.1 and I've experienced a ton of computer freezes followed up by a period of 30 seconds-1 minute of waiting then recovering by itself, or waiting even longer , noticing the kb and mouse literally turning off and had to hard reset my PC. Literally bricking up my PC.

This happened either when entering my browser (the legendary hardware acceleration problem that still hasn't been fixed for over a year on a 1k$ gpu?) or shortly after applying any OC/UV settings. I need to mention that the settings I applied were totally stable, my GPU was running on these settings for days 24/7, gaming, browsing, idle, etc., had no problem with them.  As soon as I encountered the browser launch crashes, reinstalled the AMD drivers using DDU and when reapplying my old settings, few secs after applying, the infamous system freeze happened where I can't do anything. If I get past the first seconds after applying the settings all will be fine. Unless I'll get a random instant freeze and maybe crash&restart in the browser or discord ofc.

Last night I was on discord with some friends and the computer restarted 3 times.

It seems this is common in hardware acceleration scenarios and apparently shortly after modifying any OC/UV setting. Keep in mind that I had my system stable on a -50 mV setting without crashes in games or light work for days and I tried recreating the freeze by changing from default settings ONLY to a -10mV UV shortly after system restart caused by a browser crash, and guess what? I applied the settings, 1-2 seconds goes by and instant freeze that ends up either in recovering by itself or me having to hard reset so it's clearly the driver.

I updated to the new drivers, released yesterday, and the browser freeze happened again, with a self-recovery after 30 seconds. So far no other computer restart or other crashes.

Will be updating if I'll experience anything else.

As far as my opinion goes, I am surprised at the incompetence of AMD. No wonder NVIDIA costs more. They ain't greedy, they just work and therefore charging for their WORKING product. If this keeps on going, I'll sell my 7900 xtx and get a 4080 super. I ain't gonna wait another month for the next driver update that will probably not fix anything anyways. The hw acc problem is present in posts dated from late 2022!!!!! I'm surprised.

7 Replies
Adept II

6700xt here.

I OC/UVed my GPU for months, and not a single issue occurred.

After an Adrenalin update, guess what? Yeah, those same settings made my game crash. I only mention game since its the only scenario were my GPU was being used.

It gets pretty frustrating not being able to enjoy a GPU (Specially guys like you who have the highest end GPU of the market, AMD) cause of some drivers. Makes me wonder how much they test them before releasing them.

Do they try in most games? Do they only do "stock" settings? If they give us the tools to change the settings, I assume they also play around with those before releasing a new driver, right? Anyways, hopefully they get this over with.

Currently I'm using the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - Display - 31.0.12027.9001 drivers from WINDOWS UPDATE since it's the only thing that's stable for me (even previous versions are unstable if I try to OC/UV). It is REALLY bad, but again, it's the only thing that allows me to play Destiny 2.

In conclusion, I think they made some changes that may have been good for a specific scenario during a specific game and that broke Adrenalin.

Hopefully they fix it soon.

Have a wonderful day/night. Kind Regards - Kahlimdor -

I highly doubt that they'll fix anything honestly. I've seen posts from over a year ago on the hardware acceleration issue for the 7900 xtx. Should have gotten fixed in an adrenalin update but it seems it's back?


Maybe they fixed it and somehow implemented it back? tbh we shouldn't ask these questions, they should.


As far as stable AMD drivers, try 23.9.1. I heard they are the most stable from the latest drivers. If my gpu will have the same sustained behavior of crashes and freezes I'll probably use 23.9.1 till I'll get a 4080 super. If the issues will get resolved with this new 24.2.1 WHQL release, I'll remain on AMD.

Adept I


Just exited a game, and clicked on the Instagram tab that I already had open in Brave.

1-2 seconds later, same freezing problem, except this time, once it recovered(took 5-10s), the screen started showing a lot of artifacts, the half bottom part was almost full of grey-ish artifacts, while upper part was still somewhat visible. It was flashing. I quickly jumped my mouse to the "show desktop" button in the right corner, hit that and the artifacts stopped immediately.

I entered immediately back in the browser and no problem whatsoever, like the previous thing didn't even happen.

Clearly driver issues. Can AMD actually take their "precious" time and give a read and answer to all I'm typing here? They clearly have a lot of free time because they ain't fixing sh!t.

Adept I

After giving a read on this forum for similar problems, AMD says that the issue "has been fixed" with 23.11.1.

Yeah, for sure. I had this issue on 24.1.1 WHQL and now I'm having it on 24.2.1 too.

Adept I


Adept I

Contacted AMD support team. Linked them this post. Here is how the conversation went:



"Based on your inquiry, I understand that you are experiencing system freezing and driver crashing issue with your AMD Rx 7900 XTX graphics card.


To Assist you further please let us know the following information of your system.

1.Are you experiencing the same issue with all the games or on system idle?

2.Did you make any changes in your system before the issue start?

3.Is anything overclock with the system?


To get your system details, I request you to please provide a dxdiag (in .txt) & msinfo32 (in .NFO) reports from your system which will capture the entire system configuration and drivers installed. Additionally, also please provide the exact make & model of your Graphics Card, Power Supply and Motherboard (and its current BIOS version)."





"1. READ the link text PLUS the replies.

2. READ the link text PLUS the replies.

3. READ the link text PLUS the replies.


You didn't even read what the subject was about, just the title , wow. So I pay $1000+ USD for a card that has a ton of problems WITH the drivers and the support team can't even care enough to read what I posted. Niraj, please send someone with a higher interest and care for this matter. I am one step away from writing a whole negative review on AMD and switching to NVIDIA. This is unacceptable.


Attached the requested files. GPU is Sapphire Nitro+ 7900 XTX. Power supply is a Corsair HX1500i ATX 3.0, Motherboard is an Asus Prime X670-P, and BIOS version is the latest, v2413"





Thank you for providing the requested details of your system.


I reviewed your system report and observed that your system is equipped with AMD Ryzen 9 7950X CPU and AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX graphics card.


Based on your system report, I would suggest you perform the below troubleshooting steps to make your system at standard configuration and let me know the issue status.


1.Please perform load default settings of your bios and make sure that you are running your system at stock.

2. Please perform the clean boot of your OS.

3. Please make sure that you have install latest chipset driver version in your system.

4.Please install and run AMD cleanup utility to remove the previous GPU driver from your system and install latest GPU driver version 24.1.1. in your system."



"I don't think we are on the same page here. I also don't think you've read the post, once again.


I stated in the post that I was ALREADY coming FROM 24.1.1 and that I already used DDU for clean install.


I am contacting you to fix your **bleep** drivers and release an update. NOT TO tell me to roll back lmao.


And one more time, READ THE POST. I already stated all the **bleep** you are telling me. You are wasting my time. I already stated that I am using the latest chipset drivers. You even have my .nfo and can look it up yourself.


One more mistake from you, AMD, and I'll get this whole useless and time-wasting conversation, screenshot it all, and email each and every magazine and tech youtubers in existance with a proper review for your product and customer experience.


I am not accepting paying $1k+ on a gpu and receive broken drivers and useless&careless customer support.


Fix. Your. Drivers."



So basically AMD support team is the same as their drivers. A joke.

This is the exact same problem i am facing since i bought the card close to 1 year back, drivers is always a problem. 

1. did new installations of windows

2. did ddu and tried out all the so called latest driver to no avail

3. chipsets and bios on latest, windows updated as well

4. I am using same 7950x with 7900xtx reference from asus, Asus tuf gaming x670 mb with 32gb ram and 1000w psu

5. i just have random crashes in games and it will take 30sec to 1min to recovery and sometimes i need to hard reset my system for the driver to word again, i notice the same thing my keyboard and mouse will go off too and recover later on. I really run out of f idea how to fix this paying 1k us for the card and never enjoy it ever. 


why are we suffering from this kind of service and product the driver just doesn't work