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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

7000 Series artifacts in Destiny 2


Brief intro here. I work for a system integrator in the UK. We've had several customers highlight an issue regarding drivers in Destiny 2 at certain points in the game.

Due to my job role, my team and I have access to plenty of 7000 series cards and they have all consistently shown the same issue. I think 10 cards tried internally, different board partners and reference models.

The artifacting we're seeing is easiest to replicate in the Kings Fall raid but plenty of other places are also displaying the same issue. The issue isn't creating any crashing that I'm aware of but getting this to be replicated across 100% of cards we've tried, it does feel driver related. It's also worth noting that we've been unable to replicate this is any other game yet.

When trying to alleviate the issue, we have exhausted almost every single in-game graphic setting combination to no avail

I've also raised this on the Bungie forums but no response from Bungie.
AMD 7900XT Artifacts > Help - Game Issues | Forums |

Worth noting, this isn't an issue I face directly but I'm hoping that me sharing this will lead to some form of help for other players facing this issue and get it on the radar of the driver team.

Some videos below with YT links:

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