B450 tommahawk
gskill 3200 16gb
5700xt 50th AE-Watercooled AIO 
I know this is not the answer most ppl do not want to hear but i found temporary fix until better drivers get to us for games that keep crashing durning launch or mins after playing most of all "Fortnite" and anything GPU related that causes a crash. For the time being try dropping your GPU Max Clock speed down tor around 1850mhz give or take until your stable and can launch and play your game/program of choice without crashing. For some reason I can run GPU benchmarkes at stock and eaven over clocked and be compleatly fine but for some reasion when launching or playing games it all goes down. Wast runnen "Superstition" benchmark overclocked to 2160mhz last night for 30 mins with no problem at all. but as soon as i use Goggle earth or launch GTA5, or Fortnite it crashes to black screen and reboots, for some reasion Battlefield5 seems not to be affected but most other games do. Figure it worth trying that so you can atleast game insted of pulling you hair out with crashes. After the game is running stable you can start bumping up the clocks to and find a sweet spot cause the problem always happens at launch or first few mins so once your in you can bump them back up. Hope this helps im in this thing for the long haul