I just updated and using the video editor is not possible. The editor freezes and crashes.
I now downgraded and everything works fine again.
Hi @Zayne
I just got a Radeon RX 6950 XT a couple of weeks, and this is my first AMD card after almost 20 years of using Nvidia. So a lot to learn, but one of the things I quickly came across, is the same Resolve issue you have described here. Weird timing too, as when I got it, the latest driver was 23.4.1, but just a few days later, a 23.4.2 update came out. Resolve is my video editor of choice (free version is good enough for my needs), and I create new projects about twice a month. Just like you guys have described, after a short period of use, the application crashes.
At this time, I see the same behavior with 23.4.2 and 23.4.3. And sent a bug report to AMD, but I have no idea how effective those are.
I did some digging and monitoring, and here is what I've discovered. It appears that the 23.4.2 introduced a severe memory leak to Resolve. You can simply open a task manager and watch it happen. Look at your VRAM and start playback of any video track in your timeline. The VRAM starts filling up at a rate of around 400-500 MB/s. I have 16 GB, so it takes about 20 seconds for VRAM to get completely full, then it starts "spilling" out to your PC RAM, at the same rate. I have 64 GB with up to 47 available to Resolve. It takes about 30 more seconds for 47GB of RAM to fill up, and then Resolve just closes/crashes. Obviously, it renders it completely unusable.
Right now, I have rolled back to 23.4.1, and Resolve works as it should.
Some people (or at least one guy), have stated that the latest beta version of Resolve works fine with latest drivers. I will try that next. Blackmagic Forum • View topic - Release of DaVinci Resolve Studio 18.5 Public Beta (blackmagicdesign...
A side note. Not to claim any other products are better, but I've never had an issue with any Nvidia cards, including my last 3070. I also tested Premiere Pro, and it works fine with the latest AMD drivers. I don't know if this is on AMD or Blackmagic Design. My first thought was AMD, of course, since it's a driver update that breaks it, but now, hearing that a newer (beta) version of Resolve works, makes me doubt that conclusion. In any case, I really don't want to switch to Premiere Pro (even though I have CC access through my employer, so it's free for me), or go back to Nvidia.
Alright, I can also confirm that the 18.5 Resolve beta appears to work fine with a 23.4.3 driver. I don't usually use betas, but in this case, I think I'd rather have a beta version of Resolve, than an outdated GPU driver.
Samething here 23.4.2 & 23.4.3 ----- Davinci resolve Crash == 23.4.1 All Good
I figured I should also report back that updating to 18.5 beta resolved the issue for me as well 😉
Timeline playback filled GPU memory then system memory then crashed Resolve. Adrenalin version 23.4.3. Updating to the latest non-beta Resolve didn't fix it. I did not try downgrading drivers.