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PC Drivers & Software

22.3.X screen tearing with Freesync+Enhanced Sync enabled

1. Upgraded to 22.3.2 Optional. Noticed screen tearing immediately on Apex Legends, capped at 144fps inside freesync range.

2. Downgraded to 22.3.1 WHQL. Same **bleep**. Yes, Freesync and Enhanced Sync Enabled in driver, and VRR enabled in Windows.
Also noticed some screen tearing on videos but take that one with a grain of salt. I reinstalled these drivers twice using DDU and still had screen tearing, so I'd like to believe I isolated the problem somewhat.

3. Downgraded FURTHER to 22.2.1, which I had used previously. No screen tearing.

Was going absolutely insane trying to figure out what was causing this, as I was testing the NimeZ 3rd party drivers before this and thought this issue might have resulted from uninstalling them wrong. Turns out, nope! Its just the usual AMD driver incompetence. Getting very, very tired of stuff like this. It seems to be never-ending.

To recap. Had no issues using 3rd party drivers. Decided to get the newest official AMD driver 22.3.2. Had screen tearing after doing so, Downgraded to 22.2.1 and it went away.

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Will also mention that prior to any of this happening on my PC, I was at a friends house not long before this helping him with some PC stuff. Installed these drivers on his PC (after fighting like hell to install them in the first place) and actually noticed screen tearing there too. I thought nothing of it then, but looking back thats a VERY strange coincidence.