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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

20.1.3 Drivers: same problem(s), report them!


I am posting about the newest drivers released on 1/21/2020, v20.1.3.  I installed the drivers after uninstalling my old ones, v19.12.1.  With the old drivers, I could play everything fine.  My problems showed up after I let me monitor go to sleep.   If I played a game after my monitor woke up, typically my screen would turn black forcing me to power cycle my system.  One solution to all of this is I did find is if I disabled Freesync then everything worked fine.  There were no problems when I used a Vega 64 prior to buying my 5700 XT.

Anyway, with the new drivers if I play a game for a short period of time the screen blacks out for 3-5 seconds then I am dumped back to the desktop.   No error messages or anything.  Toggling Freesync off/on does nothing.  With the new drivers, I absolutely cannot play a game and must go back to the older version.

The good news is going by the release notes it appears AMD is aware of some issue(s) which may resolve what I'm seeing so I am hopeful. After all, the notes mention numerous bugs were resolved so perhaps a future driver will fix this mess. 

I reported my issue to AMD.  If you are having issue(s) be sure to report them to AMD.  Hopefully we can get these fixed.

Chris Smith

1 Solution
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5 Replies

any specific game that is not working?


Good question! I should’ve put that in my original post.

What I am seeing is in Battlefield 5.

Chris Smith


try Battlefield V in a different rendering mode and see how that works

Journeyman III

I got most my black screens working by uninstalling Radeon software, and then using device manager to install just the drivers. It seems most bugs are tied with the actual software as CoD would black screen, and I would have to reboot my entire PC, Destiny 2 would run just horribly, Witcher 3 would stutter, Shadow of Middle Earth black screen, Borderlands crash. All these were tested on 19.12.1, 19.12.2, 19.12.3, 20.1.2 and 20.1.3 all had similar unplayable issues.  

Anyways with all that to say almost everything I played besides LoL, and Monster Hunter World would crash or run poorly. I am on Driver 20.1.3 now but just the drive not Adrenaline.

What I did and most Reddit posters showed is remove Adrenaline. After removing do not reboot, and use device manager to manually upgrade/install the driver. Which will install just the driver without the software. If you need help doing this let me know. I will test more games and run some benchmarks today but it really does seem like the overlay/AMD software BORKS games not the actual GPU driver. 

Community Manager

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