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PC Drivers & Software

Adept III

18.1.1 WHQL summarized

18.1.1 will be summarized:

In SW BF2 HBAO Full is Fixed now, in Death Star (Starship mode) are corruptions in DX11.1

Game runs poorly/choppy with DX12 ON (but without errors or corruptions)

BF1 DX12 won't start at all (some DX error pops up), DX11.1 w/SweetFX working like a charm tho.

Exclusive DX12 Titles working like never before  (FH3/FM7)

Rest of my Games performs quite good.


as for Chill, not every game is Chill Ready.

Some games gets flicker fest ! for those Turn OFF Chill, leave only FPS Cap for FreeSync

Good example is R6:Siedge & NFS Payback best gameplay is with Chill OFF + FPS set to 70.

In NFS19 AAO (Approximate ambient occlusion) is set and game is working Great, some minor hickups (50-ish not solid 60FPS, aha Game is caped at 60) at night tho but it's Playable.
Enchanced sync w/Fiji is just Great (i like the idea of low latency Gaming )

Im still more into 17.12.1 WHQL (good preformer, nice Features) or 17.9.3 WHQL (good performer but WDDM 2.2, All is working w.o. Problems)

IMHO WDDM 2.3 is still not Fully Ready in any driver.

WDDM 2.2 Driver is still way to go if you need Solid Ones. (Install 18.1.1 then 17.9.3 on it to have all Game profiles ready for upcoming Operational WDDM 2.3 driver)


I have 18.1.1 WHQL still installed, some tinkering and it's Fine (only fine)

ATI Driver team still have room for improvement (especially for Big daddy Fiji HBM or VEGA)

Here Bf1 error:

I have Fury OC+ 1050/550 1.175v (unlocked, Flashed & tMODed) + 1440p Freesync 10Bit 70Hz IPS Iiyama on ZEN k17 8/16 + HeroVII and 3100MHz CL15 1T DDR4 + SB-Zx 5.1 & Fast SSDs

Here my latest Firestrike P:


Peace ! ATI & AMD

11 Replies
Adept III

Edit .2

Tested today:

DeusEx MkD DX12 -> working Great

Switch used:  -useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp -sm6 -dx11mt -pthreads 12 -maxvram=4200

Mass Effect: Andromeda DX11.1 -> Best performance to date, 18.1.1 surpased all

Switch used: -useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp -sm6 -dx11mt -pthreads 12 -maxvram=4200

right click on Icon /shortcut -> add commands after name e.g. "Game dir.\Mass Effect A\MassEffectAndromeda.exe" -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp

Some Examples for various APIs:


-useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp -sm6 -dx11mt -maxMem=10000 -pthreads 12 -maxvram=4200


-useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp -sm6 -pthreads 12


-useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp -pthreads 16

and for Engines:


-useallavailablecores -sm6 -dx11mt -pthreads 8

UE4.x engine

-useallavailablecores -malloc=system -sm6 -dx11mt -pthreads 16

-useallavailablecores -malloc=system -sm6 -dx11mt -maxMem=10000 -exthreads=16

-useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp -sm6 -dx11mt -maxMem=10000 -pthreads 12 -maxvram=4200

-useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-feature-level–11–1 -force-driver-type-warp -force-d3d11-no-singlethreaded -sm6 -dx11mt -maxMem=10000 -exthreads=16 -pthreads 16


-sm6 (SM stands for Shader Model)

ID.engine 6/7

Doom +com_skipIntroVideo 1

-bUseVSync=False -ResX=2560 -ResY=1440 -FullscreenMode=1 -Fullscreen

+r_disableDriverVersionCheck 1


make in Game folder file: user.cfg

with switches/commands

PerfOverlay.DrawFps 0

RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 1

GameTime.MaxVariableFPS 70

RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 3

WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0

WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0

Edit Variables for your System Spec:

GameTime.MaxVariableFPS 70 because i have Freesync 1440p 10bit 70Hz DP monitor, so i don't really need more than 70FPS.

Can you plz explain this:

useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp -sm6 -dx11mt -pthreads 12 -maxvram=4200

What do they all mean and should i have -pthreads 8 on a 2600K?


"Can you plz explain this:

-useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp -sm6 -dx11mt -pthreads 12 -maxvram=4200

What do they all mean and should i have -pthreads 8 on a 2600K?" -> YES it is OK

-useallavailablecores (like it said)

-malloc=system (System allocated resouces GPU/CPU/RAM etc.)

-force-driver-type-warp (let Windows10 manage GPUs, all in all is the best for everyone)

-sm6 (use SM/VS up to 6.0 in API)

-dx11mt (use Multi threaded DX11)

-pthreads 12 (how many CPU Threads game have to use, not mean is able to do so lol, for majority of Games in Win10 8-12 Threads is Possible)

-maxvram=4200 (Keep VRAM in check, for every GPU is a sweetspot for FuryX is 4200)

Remeber if some Game refuses to lauch, try to cut some variables off

e.g. IS

-useallavailablecores -malloc=system -force-driver-type-warp -sm6 -dx11mt -pthreads 12 -maxvram=4200 (but game don't work properly)

So try this:

-malloc=system -sm6 -dx11mt -pthreads 12 -maxvram=4200



Where do you find these switches?


Many are found by personal research, also im making 3D & 2D + im with PC since the begining...

So i know stuff.

-> Here download My (and our Programmer ) Mod for Radeons (RadeonMOD)


Nice. I have used that. It was a while ago tho. Good program.

What settings can you recommend for a R9 290 card?


Like always my Advise is to Tweak & Test

Every PC is different is some ways

Best is to have Tess max to x8 to x16 (no need for more, Crysis 3 has teselation x8 Yes frogs also )

Some Games behave better with Aniso x16 in Crimson/Adrenalin

etc. Try, try..

Adept I

Let me summerize 18.1.1 WHQL aswell on RX 460, I've upgraded to this version as soon as the driver was released, installed without any problem, was running fine except in GTA V, distant things were sometimes glitchy and some of Jimmyi's clothing were glitchy aswell, for example the writing on his top's back were only half visible, flickering smoke in WoT etc... but I could live with it, no big deal... until yesterday when my PC's display suddenly went full with graphical corruption, then black screen, no signal and restarted while just browsing youtube videos... okay, fine it happens. After the restart I went on facebook, wanted to chat with someone and BAM black screen with my mouse pointer being visible only, and after that a blue screen of death with "VIDEO TDR FAILURE" at this point I was getting annoyed so I decided to uninstall this driver after the reboot, yepp... good luck with that because after that I couldn't even log into windows 10 because black screen, no signal, restart. After that I let it do it's reboot looping to get into safe mode, because I wasn't able to get into windows to restart in safe mode so I went in from the recovery screen after a lot of unsuccessful boots, uninstalled the driver and the problem went away, rolled back to a waaaaay older driver 16.12.2 and everything works perfectly, so yeah... AMD is living up to his rep by releasing completely broken drivers, yes DRIVERS, plurar because I had problems with dozens of their drivers that was released during last year and I tested/used them all and was rolling back to older drivers frequently. At this point I'm not even sure why am I posting about problems, because it seems that every time an issue is fixed a new one arises.

UPDATE: forget about what I wrote, as it turned out it's my GPU that is faulty, the VRAM is dying. I'm sending it back for a replacement as it's still under warranty. Anyone who's intrested in the symptoms I made a video about it, you can check it out here: Gigabyte RX 460 4GB Defect. - YouTube it starts at the beginning and does it again at 3:42.

Adept III

Im back to 17.9.3 Oct.2 -> One game is not Playable (SWBF2 have too much corruptions, it all appear after Dec. Patch lol , not fully fixed till today)

Im now not in a hurry to switch for Adrenalin.


Same was with 17.2.1 WHQL -> Next was 17.7.x

Yes 5-6 months then was great 17.9.3 beta & WHQL

We need stable releases, it should be no.1 Feature


So we have at last good driver once a while:

17.1.2 -> 17.2.1 -> 17.6.1 -> 17.7x -> Then one of the best 17.9.3 WHQL and now im waiting for some Good Adrenalin.

IMO we will have some in february with bugs fixed for Fury.

Adept III

Here new Adrenalin 18.2.1


18.2.1 Still broken when playing Starfighter Assault in SW BF2

-> Triangles all over the screen

Already back to 17.9.3:confused:o_O:eek: