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AMD显卡驱动 导致CorelDraw复制或者创建对象会卡顿 延迟的现象现在一直困扰着我
然而 对方给予我的是: 已经反馈给 AMD 官方 ( 指的是美国地区总部 ) ,然而官方并没有解决方案..
是不是 逼我们换NVIDIA的显卡?
This question is Not Answered.
ray_m Jan 30, 2017 2:44 PM
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My Chrome Browser translated your Post very badly. difficult to follow. But are you saying that :
First: You are having problems with Simplified Chinese translation in your AMD Drivers?
Second: That you are having problems with CorelDraw Copy or create objects functions?
Please post the required computer information as posted above in the Blue Link at the bottom and translate your Post into English.
CorelDRAW there is a delay problem in creating objects or replicating objects.
CorelDraw X7, X8,2017,2018, I have been tested.
I'm using the windows10 x64 version, and the problem with the latest version 1804 is still there.
I am preparing to contact the official engineer of Corel company to give feedback to this bug.
On behalf of all CorelDRAW users, I thank you, especially Chinese users.
I would open a support ticket for this issue. Email Form Note if you are using a Windows version 1803 you say you are using 1804, not familiar with that, but the AMD drivers do not support, beta versions of Windows. Does not mean they won't work just means they don't support it.
This previous Thread here at AMD Forum seems to be similar to your situation: https://community.amd.com/message/2846080#comment-2846080?q=CorelDraw