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PC Building

Journeyman III

new desktop


i've just received my new desktop, the first with AMD processor. i've installed my AMD ryzen 9 processor on the ASUS PRIME X670-P Motherboard.

Are there any known problems with this configuration. Tip and trics (or boobytraps) are welcome.

best regards


4 Replies

Get BIOS updated as soon as possible to be on the safe side, ASUS is a bit under fire right now with Auto vSOC voltages going a bit above when EXPO is enabled.

The memory works best when EXPO certified and on the QVL

Curve Optimizer is a great way to squeeze more with less.

Good luck 

The Englishman

Everything @johnnyenglish replied, especially the BIOS update.  As he commented ASUS has had an issue with that toasting CPU's.  The articles that I have read were on the 7700 X3D where the voltage is pushed over the limits.

Famous last words of a RedNeck "Hey Ya'll, WATCH THIS"

yeah .. update your BIOS first thing to latest

Make sure your RAM is installed in slots A2/B2

Make sure you do/did a CLEAN install of Windows

Enable XMP/EXPO and make sure it's stable in Windows before tinkering with any other overclocking type settings

Non overclocking type settings you can enable/disable:

Disable CSM

Enable Above 4G Decoding

Enable Re-Size Bar

Make sure to update your Windows fully 

Make sure to grab the latest AM5 chipset drivers from (though AMD usually has the latest drivers for their chips/chipsets .. right now it seems ASUS and Gigabyte have newer chipset drivers)

First time booting might take a bit for memory training

Hopefully you got a more than adequate power supply to run all your parts and pieces

Congratz on the new setup!!

ThreeDee PC specs
Adept III

I'm going to go against what others have said about the bios update. Asus has an issue across a handful of motherboards that can fry your CPU. The latest bios update is sketchy, at best. They say it may not fix the problem, will remove functionality and absolves them of having to honor any warranty claims. JayzTwoCents on YouTube has a great video explaining the unsavory nature of this update. GamersNexus on YouTube has evaluated the first Motherboards and Chips with issues and posted a very detailed explanation of their analysis. Unfortunately, I think your best option is to wait and be careful about usage.