I am new so please be nice. 😁
I was wondering if it is a good idea to buy this RAM: https://www.evomag.ro/componente-pc-gaming-memorii/kingston-memorii-kingston-fury-renegade-128gb-4x3...
My processor: Ryzen 5 3600
My motherboard: Gigabyte X570 Aorus Elite.
Thank you.
DANIEL (Romania)
Ryzen 5 3600 supports at least 3200 MHz - it's not the hard ceiling, Gigabyte X570 Aorus Elite allows for memory speed as far as 4733 MHz in overclocked condition. Thus, you can safely try running your Kingston RAM kit at 3600 MHz, BUT whether it will work flawlessly or fail isn't a guarantee, since Gigabyte doesn't have that specific kit or anything close to it from Kingston tested at that speed for that motherboard with that processor (their list of tested RAM for your CPU here: https://download.gigabyte.com/FileList/Memory/mb_memory_am4_4L4D_matisse.pdf?v=c4e9aaa4651d9b2b345e1...).
Always consider the possibility of returning/refunding the hardware if it fails to work with your specific configuration.
As as side note... why'd you ever need that much RAM for a mid-range desktop CPU from two generations ago o_O ?
The RAM speed for the optimized performance for the Ryzen 3000 series processors or "Sweet Spot" is 3600Mhz.
So in that respect you have a good RAM speed for your Ryzen 3600 processor.
Most motherboards doesn't have many RAM Sets of 128GB that shows it to be compatible.
Downloaded the Gigabyte's QVL List for Matisse processors (Ryzen 5 3600) and I didn't see your Kingston Part Number listed, The list is fairly newly updated: https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/X570-AORUS-ELITE-rev-10/support#support-doc
In the QVL List check for all RAM Part Numbers with Density of 32GB and support on all 4 Dimm Memory Slots. That would indicate that it supports 128GB (4x32GB=128GB RAM)
From your motherboard's QVL List I posted all the RAM Memory that seems to support 128GB@3600Mhz for your Motherboard:
You can open a Gigabyte Support Ticket after the RAM you choose to be certain it will support 128GB or go to the RAM Manufacturer website and check their QVL List for the RAM you choose.
So I went to Kingston Support and inputted your GIgabyte X570 Aorus Elite Motherboard and only 4 Sets of 128GB @3200Mhz came up as being compatible: https://www.kingston.com/en/memory/search/model/100033/gigabyte-x570-aorus-elite-motherboard
Hi and thanks for the reply!
I already have 64GB of 3200Mhz RAM. I was wondering if I could buy 128GB of 3600Mhz RAM. Like in the link I posted before.
So... probably, not!
Most likely it wouldn't be 100% compatible so make sure the Retailer has a good Return Policy or Warranty in case you need to return the RAM set.
Also if you are planning on upgrading from 64GB to 128GB it is best to purchase a separate 128GB RAM set to avoid compatibility issues.
Well from what I understand even for gaming anything over 32gb does not help the overall efficiency of the system. That being said I have never had the that much memory in build so I am not sure. I do know that buying memory that is not matched rarely is compatible. I found a program the gives you the specs on memory after I tried to add 16 gb to an existing build for a total of 32gb. I could not get a stable system. At first thought the mobo was going bad. Then since the last thing added was memory I looked there. The system would run fine with the new or old 16gb but not together. GSkill red ripjaws - same specs and model but bought a year apart. The program shows build date and parts used to build ram. Come to find out the first was samsung and the second was hynix. So I ordered a 32gb set. I wish I could find the program to check memory. So the answer is yes the processor and mobo support the speed but I would not risk the incompatibility of ram purchased separately. I don't know for sure but according to what I have read the boost from 64gb at 3200mhz to 64gb of 3600 is not that big. On most of my builds I did have to tweak the mobo settings to get the most out of my ram. If you want a system with 128gb of ram go for it, life is an adventure.
Your RAM needs to be purchased as a SET. 128GB (4 x 32GB) If you purchase them 1 or 2 at a time they will not be compatible. Also if you mix 3200 with 3600 you need to keep in mind that it will run at the slowest speed which would be the 3200.
Choose wisely and good luck.
Yes, the 3600MHz RAM is compatible with Ryzen 5 3600. Your Gigabyte X570 Aorus Elite motherboard also supports this speed. Remember to enable XMP in the BIOS for optimal performance. Check your motherboard's QVL for compatibility before purchasing.
Best regards!
The Gigabyte X570 Aorus Elite motherboard does support 3200/3600 speeds, I was told by Gigabyte support that you will need to overclock the ram manually to achieve these speeds as XMP profile is not compatible with certain types of ram.