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OpenGL & Vulkan

Journeyman III

Getting driver crashes when using 2 renderpasses


I'm getting driver crashes when using 2 renderpasses, where one reads the contents of the image from the previous pass. Curiously this problem only happens with validation layers disabled, otherwise it works fine. I tested this setup with intel and nvidia hardware and it works fine there. Using a single renderpass and rendering directly to the swapchain images works fine as well.

I set up a simple program to demonstrate the issue here: I also included additional information on the github README.

Since using 2 renderpasses is pretty common, this issue is very odd to me. I might be doing something wrong, but I can't find it. I tested one of Sascha Willems's Vulkan examples which uses a similar setup and don't get any crashes there (this is the example).

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

Hi @felipeagc ,

Thanks for your report. Did you try to run it on NV's platform? it works well?