Hello Everyone,
I'm currently retesting some OpenCL code and I recently had a problem on my code. When I'm trying to get the device list on my computer with the C++ Wrapper function ... I get a error -2 (CL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE) on clCreateContextFromType.
At the beginning, I though that this was because some drive letters on my computers have changed (new disks
) but it wasn't. Next, I though that it was because I've updated drivers, so I backward it but it don't work too.
The strangest is that it worked some weeks ago (end of november) just before I update my drivers from july to december.
To get the list of devices, I use this :
cl::Context myCtx = cl::Context(CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, NULL, NULL, &errorCode);
I'm running a Windows 7 x64 with a AMD Radeon RX 560
Could you help me to solve my problem ??
Thank you in advance