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Adept II

Music to game and stream to

If this isn't allowed, please remove and I apologize.

I am a gamer since windows had minesweeper, been around since pong and my first gaming system was an atari 5200.

I have been a DJ for multiple decades and have always loved music.  For about 2 decades I had a song idea and I finally did something about it.  I made a song with Mr. Mixx of teh 2 live crew and it is a sports Hype song.

in 2019 I had brain surgery and made a straight outta brain surgery mix as therapy. Less than one year later I had a half of lung removed and my thought was to make a straight outta lung surgery mix, but George Floyd happened and I couldn't do that with songs based on breathing.

So I made a decision that life is short and I am getting old (now 52 years old), I started making music.

Since then I have made a lot of songs and I even had one that teh Detroit Piston Dancers danced to all season long during the Hot Time out.

I have a library of songs and maybe some of you might like.  Ideally I would like to hear one in a video game, but one can dream.

Here is a link to my music:

@Officialdjdmc music links - DistroKid (

Also all my socials are @officialdjdmc and you can search for y music and mixes that way too.  

Anyways have a blessed day and year!  






7 Replies
Big Boss

Super interesting, I would really like to hear some of your work and if possible, with your permission,use on a couple of my YouTube videos to help spreading your work.

If its ok with you.

The Englishman
Adept II

of course!  The link is above.  Let me know what song and I can send it to you.  Thanks!

Adept I

Salute to your efforts and music skills.

Volunteer Moderator

Yes, life is short.  Share your experiences and abilities with your friends and social interactions.  Do the things you are good at and make the most of it.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".
Adept II

Thank you guys!

Hello everyone,

I hope this message finds you well!

I’m a lifelong gamer who remembers the days of Minesweeper on Windows and the early thrill of Pong. My first gaming system was an Atari 5200, and my passion for gaming has only grown since then. Alongside gaming, I’ve been a DJ for several decades and have always had a deep love for music.

About two decades ago, I had an idea for a song, and recently, I made it a reality. I collaborated with Mr. Mixx of 2 Live Crew to create a sports hype song that I’m really proud of.

In 2019, I underwent brain surgery and used the process of creating a mix called "Straight Outta Brain Surgery" as a form of therapy. Less than a year later, I faced another challenge—lung surgery. I initially thought about creating a "Straight Outta Lung Surgery" mix, but in light of the George Floyd tragedy and the sensitive nature of the subject, I decided against it.

Realizing that life is short and time is slipping by (I’m now 52), I decided to fully embrace my passion for music. Since then, I’ve been working tirelessly on producing a variety of songs. One of my tracks even had the honor of being featured during the Hot Time Out with the Detroit Pistons Dancers throughout their season.

I have a diverse library of music, and I’d love for you to check it out. You might find something you enjoy or even envision one of my tracks in a video game, which would be a dream come true for me.

Here’s a link to my music:

You can also find me on social media under @officialdjdmc for updates and more of my mixes.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you have a blessed day and year!

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