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what was latency like for the old glide for voodoo 3dfx?

if we were to use vulkan in a configuration more like glide or a more 'analog' fashion. would we get higher 1080p fps? or would its quality or 'render resolution' and texture support be far too limited especially in colorspace support and bandwidth. Would something more like glide and its analog hardware tessellation method which is what made the voodoo3dfx famous its AMD chip powering it and the VGA display adaptor tricks they used for a smoother output be possible for applications like SVP (smooth video project) for movie or video editing i wonder as i believe its a type of analog 70's TV like display output modification for smoother video output via analog and tesseraction. Im certain AMD already has it in the hardware the best in the universe physically possible.. i just dont know how to turn it on. i suspect in name and function glide is like an early version of freesync where it was analog or on par with analog or not much better than reality. But once it was clearly faster than reality mathematically they could say it was capable of freelysyncing with any input device or output device in the universe and put the freesync logos there. Im wondering if the maths being maths.. wasnt already freesync but limiting it to the glide version based on hardware specs in say HDD or RAM at the time..

I get the the MANTLE API was military space and nautical spec and is mathematically and scientifically super awsome.. and that when MANTLE was publicly released like 60 years later and cheaply purchased off by civillians in a group buy and modified and layered over and renamed to VULKAN it had every company in KHRONOS group pile into MANTLE when they acquired it as a group and limited it to reality emulate to spocks homeworld halfway across the universe or was it our own galaxy? i dunno but home users get the sucky AMD hardware limits shoved on them by microsoft and KHRONOS group. not that i need more than that.. Im wondering when does calypso release and do all the GLIDE API commands word the same and function the same in VULKAN? could we see how far modern parallel and multicore SIMD code is by comparing similar or same functions of glide and vulkan on same device like say a rx580 or a ps3 or a 5700xt with the same ryzen 1st gen or second gen or something CPU? I think it would be good to let everybody know what cosmic level retard **bleep**s intel and nvidia are.

when i look at nvidia's 2D triangles and polygons not real light false ray tracing software in the MODERN age to still not use true apertures and fake everything with 2d reshades and not just recolor real light and radiation particles data mathematically 1:1 as the camera sees gaming.. i think what it would be like if the space program and army bought intel/nvidia hardware and scanned the skies and depths of space for threats and said "uh oh we got some 2D triangles incoming in the uh.. i wanna say.. vertical vector.. dammit its a gaming monitor thats 144hz and has the veritcal height resolution vertically cut in half.. all the DLSS in the world isnt going to add the top half of the monitor back in for us to see the threat sooner so we can shoot whever these triangle thingies are down!" -pew pew pew pew "argh they're here already its like theyre faster than my intel/nvidia as not maths not computers... its a good thing i played space invaders as a kid!"

4 Replies
Journeyman III

The latency of the outdated Glide API utilized in Voodoo 3dfx graphics cards may differ based on several factors, such as hardware setup, software optimization, and the specific game or application in use. Nevertheless, it is important to highlight that the purpose of the old Glide API was to deliver efficient and low-latency graphics rendering specifically for 3D gaming on Voodoo 3dfx cards.

Not applicable

What i meant was. it was designed for realtime analog radiation based CATHODE RAY TUBE output and could draw and render frames in sync with the monitor output. It would have used like SD or DDR 1 or 2 RAM maybe? which is lower than CAS 1 so the whole computer would have been ludicrously impossibly faster but did far less things each pass. nowadays our CPU does billions more stuff but does less laps but some **bleep**s pile latency on top of each others latency and fight over who is top and bottom and got your RAM being like CAS46 DDR5 garbage trash .. in 1 second you can do millions more 'round trips' of your entire computer system with CAS8 VS CAS9. CAS0 is such big numbers you dont wanna know and i dont wanna type. I was wondering if some retard **bleep**s are screwing with our output inputs file transfers copying reading and writing throughout the computer system to explain this trafficjam of **bleep**gotry cluster**bleep** of CAS46 IO/input/output/copying and reading and writing is spelled and prounounced OS or operating system in computery words retards. The API is when you take a bunch of hardware things like lets say color or brightness or audio and tell it to do a bunch of specific things like "make it sound like im in a stone echo chamber and adjust the brightness and sounds accordingly with say a DUNGEON command function API call to the hardware" so the API then tells the hardware to do a bunch of stuff using the OS to input and output and transfer and communicate. An API would be like in your brain imagine a "wrapper" where say one programming language like RUST to another like C# maybe uses a different word or function name or DIRECTX and VULKAN to port to linux vulkan from DIRECTX you use a wrapper that take the vulkan words like VXR .. and changes them to DXR for VULKANraytrace function to directx raytrace function. So Imagine the programmers words they made up to tell the hardware to do specific lists of things at once with a simple word.. Is like a wrapper comparing different language words like google translate and converting them. Imagine if the duo lingual google translate WRAPPER had DEFINITIONS or additional DATA or tasks or functions for google translate. So one language like japanese you might say BENKYO and english it means study as a WRAPPER going between languages but an API sits between the OS and the app or game and lets you use a word like STUDY to do a bunch of things like maybe all your school textbooks physics and science and maths and english would be performed by the brain hardware when you use the API function STUDY its not just the one word its got 'settings' and 'values' or 'additional data elements'. Modern API's have sooo many words and each one is worse than the other and stacks on latency and is often completely retarded unscientific and not realistic and is just what some API coder thinks is how daylight or reflections or photographs look or work and NOT how they mathematically scientifically ARE and their fake cartoons bull**bleep** nvidia-ey graphics turds are piling on latency for doing FAR worse FAR less realistic in terms of basics like audio because the latency is super crushing any possible quality or performance benefits because they stacked bull**bleep** like instead of using the word STUDY and using your school textbooks it then says STUDY and the API goes to and connects to all these satellites and pulls the entire internets library archives then passes it through the **bleep**tiest fakest nvidia AI turds and then hours later you get a picture of some clip art 2D triangles bull**bleep** for a maths problem or graph or you get it upscaled into turds and DLSS .. you have no idea how **bleep**ty DLSS is or what it does and how. You could have just typed in AMD DSC /compressonator and been MATHEMATICALLY INFINITELY BETTER i mean super worlds miles better than anything nvidia's ever going to dream up in thousands of years.  So latency is IMPORTANT

Journeyman III

The latency for the old Glide API used with Voodoo 3dfx graphics cards varied depending on factors such as system configuration, software optimization, and the specific game or application being run. Generally, the latency was relatively low compared to other graphics APIs of the time, as Glide was specifically designed to provide efficient access to the hardware capabilities of Voodoo graphics cards. However, exact latency measurements may be difficult to find or quantify, as they were not typically reported in the same way they are today with modern graphics technologies.

Adept I

The exact latency figures for the Glide API on Voodoo 3dfx cards would depend on various factors including system configuration, software implementation, and specific use cases. However, Glide was known for its efficient and streamlined approach to graphics rendering, which generally resulted in low latency compared to other APIs of its time. It's theoretically possible to configure Vulkan to operate in a manner similar to Glide, focusing on raw performance and streamlined rendering pipelines. However, Vulkan is a modern, cross-platform API designed to take advantage of contemporary hardware capabilities and software development practices. Attempting to mimic the specific characteristics of Glide in Vulkan might sacrifice some of Vulkan's advanced features and optimizations.