I'm using Prorender in Maya2019 and I'm having TONS of problems with its stability. I'm running an AMD Threadripper 1950X, RADEON VII and 64GB RAM. The problems I'm having are as follows:
What am I doing wrong? I want to use Prorender as my preferred GPU renderer since I have committted to using the AMD ecosystem, but I'm becoming unable to work further with AMD products. PLEASE HELP!!!!
Hi mediah,
Thank you for taking the time to report these issues. I have a few question regarding some of these issues though.
1. For the Batch Render not working.
Could you provide me some kind of video of this. This one seems strange it happens only on few computers.
Does Batch render work for Maya software render?
Could you provide the error that show up in Maya script editor log?
Few things we can try. make sure Batch render is allow in windows firewall network. Sometimes this can cause problems.
2. For Ambeint Occlusion AOV issue
We made some fixes for AOV rendering are you using the latest plugin version 2.6?
I might need a scene for this currently im not able to reproduce this issue on my side 😞
One thing to try make sure not to use EXR image format currently we have a known issue that EXR crashes when trying to render.
3.for EXR
currently we have a known issue that EXR crashes when trying to render.
Not sure what ETA is on a fix for this currently.
4.For CPU crashing
Could you provide steps or possibly a scene that this is happening on.
5.for AMD Radeon VII not certified
I will let Developers know that this is a issue.
I was able to confirm CPU crash ill send this information to developer team.
Also, the Batch rendering problem only began after I reset my preferences after a major system crash due to ProRender. Since then I can only Render sequences to get my png sequences
Here is the download link to the Maya file. Please open it up and let me know if you encounter the same issues. I REALLY want to use Prorender with my Radeon VII gpu but right now I cant fully use it confidently for my major project. Please help! Thanks!
Hi mediah,
I was able to reproduce most of your issues. I also went ahead and sent this information to developers.
The one issue I'm having problems trying to reproduce is the batch render. However, I also reported this issue for you.
I think maybe something is blocking the batch render. Could you share what's in the script editor when you try to start the batch render?