I've tried loading the ProRender plugin (3.3.15) in Maya 2022.1 and 2022.3 on two different Macs running Mojave 10.14.6 and it causes a Fatal Error and crashes Maya every time. It happens whether I directly check the "Loaded" box or check "Auto Load" and restart Maya (in which case it crashes Maya on startup).
The first Mac is officially supported by AMD, according to the website's system requirements. It's a 2019 iMac with a Radeon Pro 555X 2GB and 8GB of system RAM.
The other Mac isn't officially supported but I see no reason why it wouldn't work, given its specs. It's a mid-2010 Mac Pro with a Radeon RX Vega 64 8GB (powered by Pixla's mod of the internal power supply) and 24GB of system RAM. Since this machine runs Mojave, Maya and the Vega 64 just fine, it seems the machine itself isn't the problem. The plugin seems to be at fault. That, or it's extremely picky about which Macs it will actually work in.
Any help you can give would be appreciated.