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Graphics Cards

Journeyman III

Vision Tek Radeon HD7750 EYE 6 Only sending a signal to one monitor

Hello Everyone,


I recently purchased the above card and have installed it into a flight sim PC. I want to run 5 displays, but would be happy to get 3 or 4 even. These displays use very little resources.


My PC specs:  I7 6700K  slightly overclocked, 850 watt power supply, 16GB memory, ASUS Z170A MB and GEForce GTX 770


What seems to be happening:

When I have plugged 5 displays into the Vision Tek only one display turns on. The rest may or may not come on momentarily, then they go into standby mode. (orange power light). I have tried countless combinations and reboots etc over the last 5 days to no avail. No matter what I do, only one monitor will come on. One by one, I have plugged each different monitor into the vision tek and each time that particular monitor will come on. I doesn't matter which port I plug into, the one single monitor connected to it will come on (any of the 5). Plug in a second or a third or a 4th, still only one monitor will come on. I am at wits end and have run out of ideas.  The odd thing here is that windows display sees them all, yet only one turns on. Eyefinity also shows them all connected, yet physically their screens are all black except one. My control monitor on the GTX also comes on but it is the Vision Tek issue I am having problems with. I want to see 5 monitors on it.


Does having the GTX 770 installed create a problem with the Vision Tek?

I have checked all monitors and cables to verify they are ok. My control monitor used to control all the displays is on the GTX770. I would like to place the rest of my displays on the Vision Tek


Hopefully someone may be able to offer a solution or an idea of what I could be doing wrong.







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