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Graphics Cards

Journeyman III

stream resolution

Help me please. I would like to stream a CS: GO game through ReLive so that I have a resolution of 1280x1040, but the watchers does have black bars (I would like to remove them and, if possible, put a stream resolution of 1600x900). Is it possible to convert the resolution somehow or just stretch the image. I tried to put the W-1600 H-900 in the scenes, but it gives absolutely nothing.
3 Replies

So go ahead! What is stopping you? LOL

Really though sorry you are having issues. 

If you are having an issue with an AMD product or software you will need to tell us what it is. What your complete system hardware and OS and driver specs are?

Exactly what you are doing and when it goes wrong? 

Then someone can at least try to help. 


I have good resolution in game.  ON STREAM not my resolution - square resolution on stream. Only on stream. On OBS I have that option (bad processor for stream on OBS). Too few features to customize the stream.I just need to know if I can stream the stretched resolution. If that option present.


I'm not a streamer myself so not sure but I know from your answer I can't tell anything. People need to know your specs, driver version what streaming software etc....

Hopefully someone who can answer will come along but I am sure they will need more information too. 

You can also contact AMD support here: