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PC Graphics

Adept I

RX5700 and HDMI sound problem

Ryzen 5 2600x 

msi b450 tomahawk latest bios

kingston predator 3200 cl  16-18-18-36

Windows 10 up to date. 

I connect VGA to AVR via HDMI.

The problem is the sound from RX5700 is not smooth. It often jerky or sometime, the sound disappear.  I need to mute it from taskbar and open again then the sound will come back. But the problem will happen again and again.   

Updated driver cannot solve this problem. 

And my old RX580X do not have this problem. 

Any advice please? 

715 Replies

May work for you, but not everyone.

Also, be careful to be hopeful too quick. I've had a couple of days here and there where I've had no issues as well, then all of a sudden right back to haunt you, it is.

More people in this thread has also tried both Windows drivers and DP->HDMI adapters before, without success..

If it continues to work for you, greatness for you mate. Give it a few more days, or a week, and report back.

What did you pay for that adapter and how do you feel about having to buy that, to get a product to work that you already payed for ?

EDIT: And found one. I don't live in the US, but an aprx currency calculation, that DP1.4--> HDMI 2.0b active, will cost me around 40$. yeepee


I have the same adapter and find it is the only one that works as promised. Realtek is developing a new chip for adapters that may be out as soon as 3/2020 that is supposed to support 8k 60hz and HDR and 4k 120hz and HDR. Could be months before that trickles into real products. I got mine on on amazon for about 28 bucks. They have 3 versions so for anyone looking there get the Club 3d DP 1.4 to HDMI 2.0b HDR version. They others don't do HDR. You of course will have to have a quality HDMI cable and I recommend a high quality HDMI 2.l cable. If you already have a 2.0b HDMI cable it should work too. 


pokester wrote:

I have the same adapter and find it is the only one that works as promised. Realtek is developing a new chip for adapters that may be out as soon as 3/2020 that is supposed to support 8k 60hz and HDR and 4k 120hz and HDR. Could be months before that trickles into real products. I got mine on on amazon for about 28 bucks. They have 3 versions so for anyone looking there get the Club 3d DP 1.4 to HDMI 2.0b HDR version. They others don't do HDR. You of course will have to have a quality HDMI cable and I recommend a high quality HDMI 2.l cable. If you already have a 2.0b HDMI cable it should work too. 

I have lots of video cables and DisplayPort is what I use for the panel. I also have a card with HDMI input on it, which I can use for editing purposes.

SDI is uncompressed but it is used in the professional film industry which needs a different adapter. The old D5 tape uses that format so to import video I needed the SDI card along with the deck etc. Red uses SDI for their 4K and 8K cameras so to edit that you need a SDI interface to read the SSD storage units.

I have one cable that connected DisplayPort to a HDMI for 1920x1080p screens which seems to be problem free. My LG panel does not have speakers but televisions usually do and that cable works on my RX 480 fine. 

Given I have a lot of professional gear in the studio I was following this to see what is wrong. AFAIK the AMD HDMI is proper, but what I do not know is if the television is supporting what AMD wants properly. This is why I mentioned my DP to HDMI cable.


HDMI converters will probably NOT work if you need adaptive sync.  My TV supports this and it removes game vsync jitter (which is why I got AMD in the first place + Nvidia has buffer offset issues on my LG TV).  I have to have the computer directly plugged into the TV for this.

I also switched out to a 8k 48gbit cable and the issue still happens.  An external sound system is the only solution in my case.


zezba9000 wrote:

HDMI converters will probably NOT work if you need adaptive sync.  My TV supports this and it removes game vsync jitter (which is why I got AMD in the first place + Nvidia has buffer offset issues on my LG TV).  I have to have the computer directly plugged into the TV for this.


I also switched out to a 8k 48gbit cable and the issue still happens.  An external sound system is the only solution in my case.

you will need a lot more than 48 gigabit for 8K video



You do not need more that 48Gbps to run 4:4:4 HDR 4k or 1080p at 60fps... which is what I'm doing.

Using a 8k cable for 4k or 1080p video: 

That is way enough bandwidth.


When I was tracing down a problem I was having I went from a HDMI 2.0 to an 8k 2.1 HDMI cable. I had with the past 2 cables some weird color shifting where you would almost see like a moving scan line where the color would be a tiny bit lighter than bellow the line. It didn't happen all the time so I figured it was just the caveat of using a TV like a monitor. When I went to the new 8K rated cable this completely disappeared. So I am definitely of the opinion that all cables are not created equal. I sure would not replace one I am happy with but I would suggest that if someone is buying one new, to get the best one they can as it sure doesn't hurt and may help over buying just the one you need to do a lower resolution. It may end up being good enough then too, to use on future requirements ultimately saving you from buying another cable. 


One of the advantages of buying a higher end cable are things like Monsters "cable for life" initiative. 

Sure monster cables are expensive, but if the one I have is ever overloaded, Monster will replace it with one that will work.


"you will need a lot more than 48 gigabit for 8K video"

Depends.  Films are still shot at 24fps, with some going to 48fps.  In either instance 48 gbit/s would be enough at 8K.  Now going to 60fps and beyond would be another story.  But for something like 8K blu-ray discs the data rate should be fine.


Neither HDMI nor DisplayPort are doing 8K video without using the lossy display stream compression.

The professional SDI has enough bandwidth, Red cameras need higher performance SSD drives to be able to handle the raw video for the post processing team who then fix the shots before it is composited.

Suitable SDI cards are $1000 each.


according to the spec page I referenced 2.1 does support 8K 60 uncompressed as well as compressed. 

Apparently it depends on what the manufacturer decides to support.

Here is the table:

The specification supports both uncompressed and compressed modes. Manufacturers can implement either or both modes. The designations are:

  • 4K100A    - supports uncompressed mode
  • 4K100B    - supports compressed mode
  • 4K100AB   - supports both
  • 4K120A    - supports uncompressed mode
  • 4K120B    - supports compressed mode
  • 4K120AB   - supports both
  • 8K50A      - supports uncompressed mode
  • 8K50B      - supports compressed mode
  • 8K50AB    - supports both
  • 8K60A      - supports uncompressed mode
  • 8K60B      - supports compressed mode

HDMI cannot even do 4K60 so they want to do 8K, that will need about 8 HDMI cables

DisplayPort needs about 4 cables


Really? Did you check the link or read the chart above? That is from the official HDMI Certification Site.  I am doing 4K 60hz HDR from my RTX 2070 to my Samsung 65" TV. It most certainly does do 60hz. According to the chart it does up to 120hz 4k and 60hz 8k. I can't confirm that as my TV only does 60hz 4K. 

Now it took some doing I had to get a super quality cable to do it. I went with the only HDMI 2.1 16' cable on the market currently that is the real deal not some junk that only claims to do it but is really a 2.0b or less cable. Wanted to future proof a bit and was only another 10 bucks. 


I have a lot of experience with digital video bandwidth requirements.

Uncompressed video for DVD is over 20 times the MPEG2 codec. I have video that is over 40 megabits. Uncompressed video for BD is even worse at several dozen gigabits, I have lots of video like that too. Uncompressed UHD is close to 100 gigabits so even DisplayPort 1.4  is hard pressed to handle the extremes of UHD.

Red Monstro is so demanding that extreme SSD drives are needed for recording shots. These are then sent to post processing and eventually into compositing. I have the tools for post and compositing. 8K video is now slowly becoming more widely shot as most do not have the resources to handle the brutal workloads.

The newest SDI cards need 8x PCIe 3.0 lanes to handle 4 channels. They cost $1000 and use one to import video from the camera footage.


I agree.

I am pretty sure the 2.1 spec HDMI cable is 48gb and capable of up to 8K 60hz. 

This spec page confirms this:
HDMI specification 2.1 - HDMI 


Another thread I was commenting in yesterday that had a TV that supports FreeSync and 120hz. Specs did not give the FS range. Regardless, I don't think any AMD cards even support 4K output at 120hz on HDMI, and that TV has no display port. This stuff gets pretty ridiculous to figure out.


pokester wrote:

Another thread I was commenting in yesterday that had a TV that supports FreeSync and 120hz. Specs did not give the FS range. Regardless, I don't think any AMD cards even support 4K output at 120hz on HDMI, and that TV has no display port. This stuff gets pretty ridiculous to figure out.

HDMI has no capacity for 120 Hz, DisplayPort has more bandwidth for that sort of display.


I get that. That is why it is ironic as the TV says it has this capability yet I know of no card from either camp that can do this. 


Realtek as I mentioned in a couple other threads is making a new chip that will go in DP1.4 to HDMI adapters that claims it will do 4k 120hz and HDR and 8K at 60. They are not out yet though. So maybe some TV's are just future proofing. 


pokester wrote:

Realtek as I mentioned in a couple other threads is making a new chip that will go in DP1.4 to HDMI adapters that claims it will do 4k 120hz and HDR and 8K at 60. They are not out yet though. So maybe some TV's are just future proofing. 

DisplayPort 1.4 is fine for 3840x2160 at up to maybe 75Hz with 4:4:4 chrominance and HDR color space


"HDMI has no capacity for 120 Hz, DisplayPort has more bandwidth for that sort of display."

That is a strange statement to make unilaterally.  So DisplayPort 1.0 has more bandwidth for 120Hz than HDMI 2.1?


Regarding this that I said:

I found something interesting tho, while I was playing with the clock speeds on the overlay the game would stop having dropouts.

I have played MGSV and Shadow of War (both steam) with the metrics overlay for over a combined amount of 10+ hours and I haven't had a single dropout on sound yet.

When I remove the metrics overlay the sound immediately starts dropping.

This is not a fix, but for f**** sake I can finally enjoy playing a video game.

I just set the metrics on, small and with a transparency of 1% (yeah lol 100% transparent means opaque to AMD) and I forget that it is there.

Hope it works for some of you, do note that I cannot get the overlay to show on all games...


Funny, but it actually works! 

With the metrics overlay on RE2  plays without sound issues, with metrics off - sound interruptions every couple of minutes. But unfortunately, overlay tends to dissapear on it's own sometimes. Rather often, I must say) 

Yeah, overlay is kinda buggy and its a pain to always have to manually enable it every time I launch a game not to mention the zone it is on becomes either hidden by it or just blurred out. But hey, no sound issues at all

Journeyman III

HDMI 连接 Samsung-TV-400B550(bit:16、20、24;sample rate:32、44、48),音频经常中断;
同一根HDMI线,连接Viewsonic-monitor-VSC3B32(bit:16、20、24;sample rate:32、44、48、88、96、176、192)时,音频不会中断;
猜测:5700XT audio encode模式不会自适应旧型号decoder,导致故障发生,能否修正


sunyiren wrote:

HDMI connection Samsung-TV-400B550 (bit: 16, 20, 24; sample rate: 32, 44, 48), audio is often interrupted; the
same HDMI cable is connected to Viewsonic-monitor-VSC3B32 (bit: 16, 20, 24; sample rate: 32,
44, 48, 88, 96, 176, 192), the audio will not be interrupted; after the graphics card is replaced with AMD7850, the same HDMI cable is connected to Samsung-TV-40B550, the audio will not be interrupted;
guess: 5700XT The audio encode mode will not adapt to the old model decoder, which will cause malfunctions. Can it be corrected?

I suggest using the old HD 7850 with the Samsung TV as this is known to work.

Not sure about televisions as I stream television rather than use a PC/television etc.


Hi. I bought MSI Radeon 5700 XT OC MECH couple weeks ago. It is connected to my LG 49SK8500 via hdmi and I had same problem, sound kept interrupting, until few days ago I've removed AMD HDMI audio driver using device manager and let the system choose it's own driver. Everything seems to be OK since then. Windows shows AMD Audio Driver Version at the moment. Hope it might help you.

Good luck


Yes the Windows Driver will fix some of the drops but you will still face it in some games and different video files. 

Journeyman III


It is much easier to use a Digital output instead of the HDMI. With no efforts I have 5.1 running smoothly and no dropouts. 

This is not going to be fixed in a short time, maybe never. There are no intentions in AMD to fix it.

Journeyman III

I'm having this (or a very similar) issue on a Vega 64. Has anyone else noticed the audio only cuts out when there's 2D rendering activity?

When I have game running, it's fine. But the second I do something on windows 10 desktop like open a window, highlight an icon, or even when my background changes....the audio cuts out.


A good way to confirm the "only happens when active 2D rendering" for me:

  1. Play some audio in the background (I'm using google music), no sound by default.
  2. Right click on the windows speaker icon in system tray > open sound settings
  3. Make sure you actually click on the sound settings window so it's in the foreground, when I do this my audio starts playing.
  4. The second I click out of this window, and do something like open the start menu or hover over items...the audio cuts out.

For what it's worth, my specs here: Vega 64, latest 20.3.1 driver package, Windows 10 1909, LG OLED TV (straight HDMI 2.0 cable connection, no receiver). I've tried windows sound driver as well as various AMD HDMI audio drivers, same behavior.

Also, the "tax the GPU" solution consistently works for me. Running Furmark brings my GPU MHz to 1400-ish and the problem goes away. I'm also noticing that the idle frequency of my GPU is WAY lower than the "state 0" says it should be when I enable advance GPU tuning. State 0 says 852mhz, and the actual idle frequency averages closer to 30mhz.

Journeyman III

I've played around with some Linux driver options (drm/amdgpu AMDgpu driver — The Linux Kernel documentation):

Disabling clockgating (cg_mask) doesn't help, but maybe disabling "Memory Controller Medium Grain Clock Gating" & "Address Translation Hub Medium Grain Clock Gating" (MC_MGCG automatically disables ATHUB_MGCG) lessens the frequency of the drops.

Disabling powergating (pg_mask) did not work (at least one flag prevents the boot & I didn't go through all options). Based on the clockgating result I disabled powergating for "Address Translation Hub Power Gating" but it had no effect.

But enabling the compute profile seems to fix helps a lot with the issue (power_dpm_force_performance_level -> manual & pp_power_profile_mode -> 5 [compute]). I think the audio was now dropped once after 20 or 30 minutes playback.

But only with this profile, when I'm using the custom profile with the same values it still drops the audio constantly (the same is true for the other profiles).

PROFILE_INDEX(NAME) CLOCK_TYPE(NAME) FPS MinFreqType MinActiveFreqType MinActiveFreq BoosterFreqType BoosterFreq PD_Data_limit_c PD_Data_error_coeff PD_Data_error_rate_coeff
0( GFXCLK) 0 5 1 0 4 800 4587520 -65536 0
1( SOCCLK) 0 5 1 0 3 800 1310720 -6553 0
2( MEMLK) 0 5 1 0 4 800 327680 -65536 0
0( GFXCLK) 0 5 1 0 4 650 3932160 -6553 -65536
1( SOCCLK) 0 5 1 850 4 800 1310720 -6553 0
2( MEMLK) 0 5 4 850 4 800 327680 -65536 0
0( GFXCLK) 0 5 1 0 3 0 5898240 -65536 0
1( SOCCLK) 0 5 1 0 3 0 1310720 -6553 0
2( MEMLK) 0 5 1 0 3 0 1966080 -65536 0
0( GFXCLK) 0 5 1 0 4 500 4587520 -65536 0
1( SOCCLK) 0 5 1 0 4 500 1310720 -6553 0
2( MEMLK) 0 5 1 0 4 500 1966080 -65536 0
4 VR :
0( GFXCLK) 0 5 4 1000 4 800 4587520 -65536 0
1( SOCCLK) 0 5 1 0 4 800 327680 -65536 0
2( MEMLK) 0 5 1 0 4 800 327680 -65536 0
0( GFXCLK) 0 5 4 1000 3 0 3932160 -65536 -65536
1( SOCCLK) 0 5 4 850 3 0 327680 -65536 -32768
2( MEMLK) 0 5 4 850 3 0 327680 -65536 -32768
0( GFXCLK) 0 5 4 1000 3 0 3932160 -65536 -65536
1( SOCCLK) 0 5 4 850 3 0 327680 -65536 -32768
2( MEMLK) 0 5 4 850 3 0 327680 -65536 -32768

I don't know what the differences are. The compute profile has a higher voltage (VDDGFX, 1018 mV instead of 800 mV) but the higher voltage is, according to the driver, applied to the custom profile, too.

Journeyman III

The same problem with me. I7 3770k, Gigabyte 5700XT, windows 10, latest AMD drivers. I connect the rig to an old Panasonic Viera via HDMI.  I did not have that problem with my old RX480.

What I noticed is that when the GPU revs up and works above maybe 15-20%, the problem disappears. So, when I play a game, the sound is fine, since the card is active. When it goes idle, the problem returns. The problem is that I do not use my TV for gaming, so in all other scenarios (browsing, media consumption) I have that sound problems that makes the system unusable.


I use sound off my RX 480 and it seems to be working. My panel does not speakers but it does have a 3.5mm jack for speakers on it.

Adept I

So my powercolor 5700 red devil died and while I'm waiting for it to be fixed I have bought a XFX 5700 DD. I am having a the exact same behaviour so now I know this is not caused by the HW but it's an HW issue. Guys could you please upvote the comment i have opened on AMD official reddit tech support thread? This bug is so annoying. ow many of us are using an LG OLED and have this bug? This comes up quite a lot in the comments. 


It could be a bios issue like 5600 had.

Journeyman III

I fix all of my problem with asus strix 5700xt! Replaced with nvidia!


sgtbacker wrote:

I fix all of my problem with asus strix 5700xt! Replaced with nvidia!

I will open the bidding at 99 cents

Adept I

I've found a fix for this. The fix NOT to use the the AMD HD Audio Driver. It's Trash!!

If you have a MB with Gen4 PCIe slots make sure you change them from Auto to Gen4 in your BIOS before begining.

Step 1: Install the Windows version of the HD Audio Driver:

Open the Device Manager and find your audio driver as if you were updating it.

Right-click the driver and choose Update driver.

This time though, instead of letting Windows search for it automatically, select Browse my computer for driver software.

Then select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer. This will bring up a list that will include High Definition Audio Device. Make sure you select Microsoft on the Left Side under Manufacturers.Select and install it. Now test your audio for awhile and make sure the issue is gone before following the next step.

Step 2: Let's get HD audio features and better sound on top of that generic driver.

Go here for the guide to install the free 2019 version of the Dolby Driver/software--> Follow his video guide and give him credit.

For the Dolby Atmos Drivers and Software D/L go here -->

If this works for you, You will notice better sound from the Dolby ATMOS driver installed ontop of the MS HD Audio Driver. For those who do not have this hooked up to any type of HD audio signals you can stop after Step 1.

Note: your receiver may not report "ATMOS" as the decoder but you will notice a big difference in the audio. You will know it's an HD audio signal most likely ATMOS. But even if you're concerned you're not getting full ATMOS at least you'll know the AMD audio dropouts is fixed.

My GPU is the Sapphire 5700 xt SE and it's such a beautiful card I was not ready to give up and return the card. So I kept trying different things.

I cannot guarantee it will work for everyone but I can say for a FACT that the issue is caused by the AMD HD Audio Driver.

Might be ok for a stereo setup, but for more speakers the option to configure for e.g. 5.1 speakers disappears (at least for me).. but thanks for posting!