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PC Graphics

Adept I

RX 7900 XTX Crash in all games


I'm here to request some help because i think consume all my patience.

I bought a PC build in April/May 2023. Since the beginning, i have some crash.

By dint of modification, video consultation and tutorial,
I managed to give myself a few moments of break. 1 month here, then 2 Week in hell, then 1 month chill again like an infinite circle.

Here's how I can describe the crashes.
The Game Freezing (In fight, in loading, on menu, ... Never a the same place)
The audio still working each time.
Sometimes, the amd Bug report kill the game, and sometimes i need to restart my computer by power button.

all crash are the same,
Each crashed, my screen is freeze until amd bug report save me or i restart manually.

I tried everything i could find :
- All parameters on Andrenaline were tried (Undervolt with nothing, chill, freesync disable, ...)
- Disable DOCP/auto on Motherboard
- Lock Ram Frequency
- 2 Cables PSU <-> Graphic Card
- Windows reinstall + driver only (Chipset, graphic)
And many other things.

Here my setup :
- PROC : AMD RYZEN 7 7700X
- RAM : Kingston FURY Beast 2x16 Go Kit DDR5-5200 CL40
- PSU : BeQuiet 1000W Platinium

Monitor : Samsung C27HG7x - Freesync 2

I'd be very grateful to anyone who could spare me a little time to help me.

This PC is something I've been dreaming of, and I can't afford to change my graphics card.
I'm beginning to think I've bet on the wrong horse, as we say back home T-T.


4 Replies
Adept I

Sorry if my english isn't good,
I try my best '^^

Adept I

I do some test today.

I back up my bios to an old version,
It still crash in game.

I Update the bios to last version.
Same issues.

For exemple,
I crashed 3 times in 1 hour on Avatar Frontier of Pandora : 
The first crash has come after some minutes of exploration, no figth. (~15/20min)
The second crash has come when i spawn (less than 10 sec)
The last crash has come in "Memories activities" (~30min). Before this crashed (like 5/10min) i took an mining outpost, it's included some figth with many explosions and the game doesn't crashed.

When i look the Adrenline performance, i don't see anything suspicious.
I can't take screenshot when it crash so i don't know how give more information about them

I will open a ticket at Sapphire Support

Adept I

HI ! 

I have some news.
I tried many things those last days, and i found something.

I've tried to cause crashes with real-time chart logging.

I noticed that the crashes occurred when the graphics card consumed more than about 350w.

In this sense,
I wanted to block my FPS at 80 instead of 100, and that's the interesting part!
Even though on the game (Avatar FoP), the FPS were blocked, the AMD graphics continued to announce 100FPS.
So I checked on Adrenaline whether Freesync was enabled, but no.
I then interacted with Windows, in the display settings, and lowered the refresh rate from 100Hz to 60Hz.

And boom!
1 hours of gaming on Avatar at maximum without a crash!

So I've got two subjects to work on:
- Either it's a power supply problem, and the fact that I've managed to block at 60FPS is enough to avoid a crash.
- Or there's a major compatibility problem between my Freesync 2 screen (the old freesync protocol), Windows and Adrenaline.

I'll continue my tests a little later in order to identify the real source of the problem.
For the moment, I'm enjoying this little victory ^^.

Я купил свой XTX от Гигабайт в Июне 2023.
Сразу после покупки я начал ловить серые экраны, вылеты, зависания.
1. Она могла потреблять 500 Ват
2. Частоты могли быть 3 000 мгц. 
3. Вылеты как правило на играх с DX
Как только вышел BG3 я ловил в нём постоянные вылеты на DX, перешел на Vulkan вылеты прекратились.
И в один прекрасный момент я запускаю 3Dmark и графический тест попросту видеокарта не проходит.
Я принял решение снизить частоты, снизил то 2655, на те что заявлены для работы.
И о чудо все вылеты прошли!!!
Я был очень разочарован и не доволен, я принял решение сдать её продавцу, но продавец мне отказал в возврате назвав её попросту рабочей, покупал я в Белоруссии, т.к. я там сам живу.
Так как я нашел проблему, мириться с ней я не стал, я продал её на б/у рынке и купил RTX 4080, в паре с 7800x3d, и теперь я наслаждаюсь играми без вылетов.
XTX крутая видеокарта, но...

I purchased my XTX from Gigabyte in June 2023.
Immediately after the purchase, I started getting gray screens, crashes, and freezes.
1. She could consume 500 watts
2. Frequencies could be 3,000 MHz.
3. Crashes usually occur in games with DX
As soon as BG3 came out I was experiencing constant crashes on DX, I switched to Vulkan and the crashes stopped.
And at one fine moment I launch 3Dmark and the graphics test simply does not pass the video card.
I decided to lower the frequencies, lowering 2655 to those that were declared for work.
And lo and behold, all the flights were completed!!!
I was very disappointed and dissatisfied, I decided to return it to the seller, but the seller refused to return it, calling it simply a working one, I bought it in Belarus, because... I live there myself.
Since I found the problem, I didn't put up with it, I sold it on the used market and bought an RTX 4080, paired with a 7800x3d, and now I am enjoying games without crashes.
XTX is a cool video card, but...