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Graphics Cards

Journeyman III


It has been almost 3 months since I got my ASUS Arez RX560 graphics card, with my low budget, after some time of usage I got aware of the low performance of my chip compared to some other users. With some research, I learned that the version I had was a cut version of rx560 chip that is the same as the rx460. Had I known that it was a cut version, I would not get an old chip. I requested technical assistance and the guy there kept saying 'contact with your graphics card manufacturer' as if it was the fault of the manufacturer of the card. I just wanted some information about why AMD does not specifically mention, with a clear description, that it is not the cut version. The only information about it is the stream processors count. As someone who does not have much information about it, I can say that I was scammed.  This was a huge disappointment for me, as I was just beginning to trust AMD. 

2 Replies

Use GPU-Z, and click the "Lookup" button, which goes off the Device ID and will take you to the Techpowerup GPU database, showing your exact model. I can't tell what you are supposed to be seeing in those pictures aside from the fact you went to a disreputable site.

I do know what I have and don't need any more information, anything else, like gpu-z, shows that this chip I have is the cut version of rx560 chip. I just wonder why they don't name this cut version rx 560, performing same as rx460, after something else. So that people could know what they were actually getting.