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PC Graphics

Adept I

replacement graphics card for Radeon HD 7500 for Windows 10 64 bit i7 processor (Dell 8700, 24gb of RAM)

Hi, just wondering if there might be a recommendation for replacing a Radeon HD 7500 graphics card in a Dell 8700 desktop with an i7 processor, 24gb of RAM, and running Windows 10 64bit, version 1809.  I've updated all the drivers but this one, and I'm still getting the occasional freeze, especially on start-up.  Dang, hope you can help, and thanks much.

19 Replies

GPUs don't freeze on startup. Windows 10 1809, however, is known to be especially buggy, resulting in freezes and BSODs.


Buggy? You want buggy? Get 1809 Win10. Problem is whenever I look for

answers to buggy, I get update your drivers. Too, the AMD Radeon HD 7500

is listed as not supported for Windows 10. Updating the drivers and the

BIOS has helped considerably. It's just that I never know when 1809 is

going to throw a snit fit. So I'm looking at all angles. Thanks for your

reply !!


Roll back to 1803.


Thanks, and I've seen this before, but I'm not interested. I had the same

problems with 1803, and there has been an update to 1809 already that took

care of the more serious glitches. Thanks for the advice however.


You didn't mention the exact HD75xx series card you have installed. But there are Windows 10 AMD Drivers for two of those models at AMD Download page. But those two HD75xx model are considered to be Legacy or Non-Supported by AMD Driver updates.

You have two Drivers to choose from. WHQL Driver from 2015 or the BETA Driver from 2016. Both are compatible with Windows 10 and the last driver update.

Here is where you can download those AMD Driver, if applicable: AMD Drivers and Support for Radeon, Radeon Pro, FirePro, APU, CPU, Ryzen, desktops, laptops 

These are the drivers being shown as compatible. I believe they are the same for both HD7570 & HD7510: AMD Radeon™ HD 7570 Drivers & Support | AMD 

NOTE: In my previous comment I did mention and circled the two most modern AMD GPU Cards that will work with your 460 Watt PSU. Both are at the low end of the RX5xx series GPU cards unless you replace your PSU with a much stronger one. I would recommend one of the Metal Quality PSU with a minimum of 750 or more watts. That is if you can afford to replace the PSU otherwise you have those two AMD RX5xx GPU cards you can use to replace your HD75xx GPU card.


The specific HD 75xx number is not specified, but I do remember AMD

suggesting I install a driver 16.(something). But I checked the GPU driver

in Windows 10 Device Manager which indicated I had the "correct" driver

installed, so I declined the AMD suggestion. The driver at that time was

15.201.1151.1008. So what the heck, I loaded the recommendation from the

second link you supplied above. That driver is 15.301.1901.0. The GPU is

working, the computer restarted without a hitch, and the monitor

calibration loaded, so I'll give this a try. If problems continue, I'll

take the computer to a local repair facility I trust, rather than

scatter-shooting the way I've been doing. Thanks for your help.


I'm reconsidering, if this is still a recommendation from Microsoft.

Thanks for the link.


If you don't have Windows.old in your computer anymore you would need to download the .ISO file to install version 1803.

Found this link that gives you the direct link from Microsoft download page for Windows 10 April 2018 update using Firefox, Chrome, or Microsoft Edge browser. Once you download the .ISO file make a boot-able Flash drive to install the previous Windows. How to download the Windows 10 version 1803 ISO file after version 1809 releases • Pureinfotech 

Even though I would consider this to be a temporarily solution because in November 2019 Microsoft will stop supporting this version of Windows:


That's not such a bad thing, using an EoL version of Windows 10, at least as long as you're not getting blocked from using features or programs because of it. Heck, it's not even that big of an issue if you use Windows 7 after it goes out next year. If you look at the list of the biggest security vulnerabilities of 2018, aside from Spectre and Meltdown (which were never demonstrated to be exploited in the wild), the most targeted vulnerabilities were, as typical, Internet Explorer, Flash, Office, and Android. Windows doesn't even appear on that list, and not using IE mitigates that risk greatly.

Or if you use nVidia, their drivers themselves can cause quite a security hole.

nVidia patches yet another critical security vulnerability in its drivers

nVidia patches 8 SECURITY vulnerabilities in new drivers
Nvidia GPUs aren't immune to Spectre security flaw

Yeah, found out from your current thread in General Discussions. That was really good thread to post for Nvidia GPU card users. First time I heard about that security flaw. Thanks again for the update.

Did mention it at Nvidia GeForce Forum concerning the current driver to see what they say.


Strange you should mention Windows 7, as I still have the program on a

disc. It uses a different BIOS which I'd have to find and load, but

Photoshop CS6 is still supported by Win 7 and I always thought it was

easier to use. I don't use IE, or even Edge, and rely on Firefox and

Chrome. Flash is only when needed. I'm also glad I have an AMD driver, as

NVIDIA seems to be a major problem in Win 10.


Thanks for your help, I'm at a point where I'm getting clean restarts with

no freeze, so I suspect you can close this help request. And thanks again

to you and Black Zion!


Thanks, that puts me on a hold and wait for November track again.

Yesterday I thinned the start menu and disabled some services I don't use,

including the much maligned appID in the registry, and deleted some

diagnostic apps from Dell, and after which the restart was clean. And to

date I haven't had a freeze. As long as I can get a clean restart after a

freeze, I'll just hang on until the November change. I have the updates

blocked until I approve them, so I can wait to see what other horrors

Microsoft has planned for Win 10 users. Thanks for your time and help.


You know, I forgot about possible conflicts or incompatibility with 3rd party software. Try this and see if you can narrow down exactly what is causing your freezing if it is software conflict.

First enable or install everything you had before. I don't believe Dell Diagnostic would interfere with your AMD driver. but who knows. It is nice to have in case you need to run diagnostics on your computer.

Then boot into a clean Windows desktop. This will literally prevent any 3rd party software from loading except Microsoft own software that came with your Windows installation.

This is how to do a Clean Desktop boot: 

Then run your computer and see if it continues to freeze. If it doesn't, then enable 50% of the "Disabled" 3rd party startups or services. It really is easy to do and undo. 

If it starts to freeze, then you know it is one or more 3rd party startups that is causing the freezing. Disable 25% of the 3rd party startups that you enabled earlier. Run your computer and see if it freezes.

Generally you are using process of elimination to determine exactly which 3rd party software is causing the freezing or conflict.


Thanks much. I'll save that link if I need to continue troubleshooting,

but so far today I've not had any glitches at all, even on startup.

Usually I've had to hard reset right after startup, and at least once more

by this time of day. I can always download the Dell diagnostic again.

Its difficult to recommend a replacement without knowing the wattage of your PSU .

The PSU will determine how powerful of a GPU Replacement card you can install in your computer. 

Edit: Found this Dell Community thread where a User was asking about upgrading its HD7570 to a better one. Says the XPS 8700 comes with a 450 Watt PSU which in today's standard is considered to be a weak PSU for most of the latest GPU Cards.

You can take a look at this website that gives good information about the PSU needed to run AMD and Nvidia's GPU Cards in a computer system. Look at all the GPU cards that requires 400 watts or less to determine what GPU card you can safely use in your computer: PSU REQUIREMENTS - RealHardTechX .

With the PSU in your computer you can upgrade to the RX550 and RX560 GPU cards.

I mentioned 400 watts and not 450 to give you a little headroom when it comes to full system wattag

Thanks, elstaci. I looked at the Dell website and the PSU is 460 watts.

Apparently the computer was originally supplied with a 225watt graphics

card. Suggestions? And thanks much....


Power supplies degrade a bit at a time over time too. So one that supplied 460 when new may not be doing that now.

Thanks, I'll save this link!