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Graphics Cards

Journeyman III

PC Locking Up Completely

Just started happening within the past week.

Gigabyte Aorus Master x570 motherboard

Ryzen 9 3900x CPU

G.Skill Trident Z Neo DDR4-3600 C16 2x16GB

Sapphire Nitro+ 5700xt

EVGA SuperNOVA 650W P2 80 Plus Platinum


I have zero experience with reading the Event Viewer, there's a bunch of stuff in there. There's been 3 hard lock ups in the past week since it started, there's one event in the Reliability Monitor that has some information

Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 1a1
Parameter 1: ffffab86b5654040
Parameter 2: 0
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 0
OS version: 10_0_19045
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 3081


One of the other ones just says "The previous system shutdown at 1:10:16 PM on ‎18/‎09/‎2023 was unexpected." so nothing really helpful there.

Windows is updated other than an optional update that causes problems with the Adrenalin software, Adrenalin version is 23.5.2 (was going to update to 23.9.1 but the release notes thread on reddit said it wasn't stable so I was waiting). Nothing is overclocked (I do have xmp on) and it's been running fine for years. This all just started recently, no changes to the system other than driver updates. I had some local technician come out and look at it but they seemed to have about as much knowledge of what to do as I do so they wound up not even charging in the end because they couldn't figure it out.

Steps tried already, sfc scan, dsim scan, memory test, checkdisk, think that's it.

Hopefully someone can help, not sure where else to turn for real tech support.

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