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I've seen people pushing custom AMD drivers that are tweaked amernime etc.

Amernime Zone - AMD 3rd Party Drivers

Lots of the functions and features they are turning on are OS features already there but disabled or shoved up intel and nvidias butts and directx featurelevels (which are fake btw like rtx its not true light and true daylight scientific values like AMD and its astronomy photography correct hardware lighting) 

some of them are convienience or just using memory culling or other things it was supposed to use from day one. But mostly its stuff that existed and was enabled at launch in AMD products that myteriously vanished from the default drivers to be shat back out from nvidia and intel as paid features decades later and microsoft claiming it has new features which is funny their OS literally only accesses hardware and controls the method and speed and HOW files or data inputs and output are moved around inside the computer not what the data does at all as its all hardware and has zero need to add features to hardware that was made by other people.

these drivers DO enable improvements you should have had since the 90's as not improvements but just how it works originally and yeah its nice to have them enabled again or configured differently to the not ever configured before **bleep**. But how can we trust mysterious looking like some sorta ???european??? guy dude on youtube? Ancient Gameplays - YouTube i myself have turkish ancestry and question how close their insider industry ties with the asian hardware manufacturers really are and how much chinese and russian or whatever this dude can assembly and ascii code in? thats a fat 0 for me. this guy has some videos which seem unenlightening as he misrepresents or mistates some things but he overall seems to at least understand the AMD hardware is the better one for actually having hardware and is hinting at it having things you can turn up a heap to make decades older cards look and game a fair bit more like brand new ones.

did he take part in making amernime? dunno? is it something fun to think about and play with testing out in secure VM's or something? sure i guess. things like DDU and this, were all things originally in older AMD stuff.. but now they arent or just common coding practices and windows OS usage.. and now it isnt.. so who is turning **bleep** off and making u download it again or have it configured by third parties which may be having more third parties involved that might be less credible sources which raises chances for your video output to be reposted elsewhere. Im not saying i've found any evidence of malware or issues of spying WITH these drivers or instability or changing firmware or crypto mining stuff.. is it better than stock standard yes? but years ago its almost all stocks standard for some thing or other but wasnt used. Just look at AMD HEVC from the 1970's and AMF encoding/decoding of video and stuff or great gaming cards like the FURY X and AMD pro render and the playstation 3. when everything in astrogaylia is the dumbest gayest fakest nvidia stuff here in australia.. the audio store has no clue what audio sounds like and wants to sell you worst than cheap 80's 90's offbrand cassette walkmans or mini disc players and portable CD players for close to thousands or actual thousands of real money dollars. let alone have a clue what a computer looks like. you have no idea what sorta scam bull**bleep** i've been struggling with. instead of a 90's minidisc player quality you get the **bleep**tiest mp3 player with all that cooked noise and skipping and hissy treble 128kilobit mp3s like sound/gaming and mp3 player cheap **bleep** raspberry pie like computing intel nvidia trash.. unless you install everything from people who ARENT AMD to turn on and put back the AMD software/functions and allow it to be used.. when its 20 years older.


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