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PC Graphics

Adept I

Gigabyte RX 5600 XT Gaming issues

So this is my very first post in the forums, basically my RX 5600 XT refuses to work properly, I got the card for the last 3 weeks and basically all the fixes posted on the internet doesn't work. I already sent reports for the drivers on the amd support page. Here are my issues

My games like Kingdom Come Deliverance, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy XV, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3 Demo will play for a variable length of time and will always end up with a TDR Failure, Black Screen, Green Screen or a hard restart. Only Dota 2 seems to work fine.

Adobe Creative Cloud apps like premiere and after effects end up green screening too so not only my gaming has issues but also my work is compromised. 

I reinstalled Windows,

Used DDU as I had an NVIDIA card before this,

Tested driver versions 20.1.3 to 20.3.1 using DDU before installing drivers,

Installing driver only without the software,

removed my pci-e extender,

set the PCI version on my bios to 3.0,

removed my cpu overclock.

disabled hardware acceleration,

updated windows, bios, chipset.

Had a 1070 that worked flawlessly before I got this card.

basically the only thing left that I can do is return the card and swap it out with a 2060, but with the ongoing pandemic I am basically stuck with my $299 paperweight. Is there any fixes that I may have missed out?


Windows 10 Pro 1909

Ryzen 5 2600


Corsair 16GB Vengeance 3200

Gigabyte 5600 XT Gaming

Seasonic m12 700w

Samsung 250gb 850 evo 

I attached crash reports from some of the games below if that helps.

44 Replies
Adept I

Finally seemed to fix mine. I don't have any crashes for about 2 days since I set the power limit of the card to 30% on afterburner. No negligible performance loss either and I was able to oc my 5600xt to the max 1820mhz and 1860mhz for memory. I don't think my psu is causing any issues because it's fairly new, it's a seasonic m12 700w unit and it's 2 years old. I hope this can help. I virtually did every suggestion on the forums, even tried a fresh install, but this one might have permanently fixed it. I'll update in a week if a crash occurs. Tell me if it works!


It worked??

Adept III

Same issue here! Are you running it under FA0 bios version? I needed to downgrade it the F2 as I've been out of crashes/reboots so far. Sad that we need to figure out a workaround to put it to work properly :/

Any update?


When you downgrade to F2. The pc stoped to reboot or blue screen??


Yeah! But I ran DDU, Revo Unistaller and the AMD Cleanup Tool. Afterwards I installed the most recent chipset drivers for my motherboard and then installed the adrenalin 20.4.1. 

I set PCi Gen 3 in UEFI BIOS for the PCI Express config.

I turned any feature in adrenalin off (Vsynce, enhanced syns, anti-aliasing, etc)

It's been like two weeks i'm runing it that way with no problem. I'm not saying that the drivers are perfect, far from that actually, but I can use it while AMD struggles on release decent ones


How did you set your PCi Gen 3?? What is this? This is important for the GPU works??

One question: Do you speak portuguese?


What you did First? Downgraded the BIOS to F2 then remove all drivers whit DDU and AMD cleanup Tool, and finally installed the adrenalin 20.4.1?


Não tinha certeza que você falava português. hehehe

Fiz tudo isso (todos aqueles passos) que te falei com a FA0, deu problema do mesmo jeito. Só fiz mudar pra F2 e funcionou legal, cara. Ao que me parece é uma questão que essa bios overclockada está meio bugada ainda, ou com os parâmetros estabelecidos de forma meio bizarra ainda. Teve gente que conseguiu rodar legal com a FA0, mas precisou fazer um undervolt no adrenalin ou no afterburner. Ao que me parece o pessoal da AMD ou da Gigabyte vão precisar rever as voltagens para determinados estados de funcionamento para que a placa funcione satisfatoriamente.

Sobre a questão da PCi 3gen, isso é sobre a geração da PCI express na placa mãe. Teve gente que tava tendo problema deixando no automático ou na 4ª geração. Isso você mudar no setup da bios. Tenta achar lá, e mudar pra 3 Gen. 


Beleza, vlw irmão. Só mais uma pergunta qual foi a ordem que você fez? 

Você primeiro atualizou a  BIOS para a F2, depois removeu os drivers e depois reinstalou os drivers com o adrenaline da última versão?

Tem outro contato seu para que eu possa falar com você? Vlw


Não. Logo que eu peguei a placa eu atualizei pra FA0. Aí fiz vários testes.. com versões diferentes do adrenalin e nada. Depois eu desinstalei tudo assim:

1) Revo uninstaller (tanto do adrenalin, quanto os drivers do chipset da placa mãe)

2) AMD Cleanup tool (em modo de segurança)

3) DDU em modo de segunça

Aí depois:

1) Instalei os drivers da placa mãe

2) Sem reiniciar o PC, instalei o adrenalin 20.4.1

aí reiniciei e depois disso tá tudo ok. mas, precisa desligar todas as tecnologias do adrenalin, se n buga.

tenta buscar no forum da adrenaline um cara chamado "gamesbrs" ele fez um tutorial bem claro sobre como resolver esses problemas dos drivers da amd.

Só mais uma coisa! Você atualizou a BIOS para F2 antes de remover os drivers?


Não. Tinha testado os drivers novos com a FA0 antes, e deu pau. Fiz o downgrade pra F2 e a placa parou de crashar.

Olá xirombinha, eu fiz o que você recomendou, mas depois de um tempo voltou a dar os mesmos problemas de antes. Se não pior, agora toda hora estou tendo que reiniciar o PC manualmente. Você tambem passou por isso?


Fala, cara! 

Seguinte.. Você tem uma Gigabyte RX 5600XT OC 6b tb, né? Com quanto tempo você voltou a ter problemas?

Voltei a ter problemas tb com a F2, mas creio que não seja bem ela.. seja os drivers mesmo, especificamente o software adrenalin.

Não sei você chegou a ver um reply de um cara aqui que explicava como fazer as alteração de clock na bios sem precisar atualizá-la, mantendo a original de fábrica, que é a F60 (você pode encontrar no site da techpower). Dá uma olhada no tutorial dele. O nick dele é andref24.

Mas antes de seguir as instruções dele, faz o seguinte: passa o DDU e o AMD Cleanup tool no adrenalin e nos drivers do chipset, instala as versões mais atualizadas dos dois. Quanto ao adrenalin, não instala o software em si.. só os drivers, pelo gerenciador de dispositivos. Nada de adrenalin!! Usa o ASUS GPU Tweak II pra traçar a curva do fan. 

Não usa nada de meters no background.. coisa do tipo: afterburner, riva tuner, etc. Desinstala todos eles, inclusive os drivers com o Revo Unistaller.

Na bios da tua placa mãe, estabelece que a versão da pci express é 3.0 ou gen3, não deixa em auto ou gen4.

Outra coisa, vá nas suas configurações do windows update, e coloque para pausar as atualizações durante um mês.

meu email é vinicius_valenca arroba yahoo com br, qualquer coisa chama lá. vlw


Eu vi cara vou testar hoje. Mas tava em dúvida entre ele e esse cara aqui:

Depois que eu fiz suas recomendações ficou tudo ótimo, mas depois de 1 mês as travadas de telas e a necessidade de reinicializar o PC forçadamente voltaram. Estou triste com isso, por isso voltei no fórum para buscar ajuda.

Eu vou fazer o que o Andref24 disse. Funcionou para você?


Na realidade, o bom é fazer os dois. Um não exclui o outro. Tenta fazer o que tem no vídeo do swirf tv, com os drivers mais atuais. Depois você fazer segue o tutorial do andref24. Quando for usar o gpu tweak II, desabilita o monitor.. usa só o programa e ajusta pra ele inicializar quando o windows abrir.

É, você passou um mês usando de boa o pc, e depois voltou a crashar. Você alterou alguma coisa de driver ou de hardware durante esse tempo? Se não mexeu em nada, é muito provável que isso seja alguma update em background corrompendo a base de drivers.. n faz sentido um equipamento novo mudar seu comportamento de forma tão aleatória..

Em quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2020 03:15:34 BRT, bezerra95 <> escreveu:

#yiv0092443504 * #yiv0092443504 a #yiv0092443504 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv0092443504 #yiv0092443504 h1, #yiv0092443504 h2, #yiv0092443504 h3, #yiv0092443504 h4, #yiv0092443504 h5, #yiv0092443504 h6, #yiv0092443504 p, #yiv0092443504 hr {}#yiv0092443504 .yiv0092443504button td {}#yiv0092443504 .yiv0092443504jive-rendered-content table {border-collapse:collapse;margin:0 0 2px;}#yiv0092443504 #yiv0092443504 #yiv0092443504 , #yiv0092443504 .yiv0092443504j-rte-table .yiv0092443504jiveBorder {border-color:inherit;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;}#yiv0092443504 .yiv0092443504j-rte-table tbody, #yiv0092443504 .yiv0092443504j-rte-table tfoot, #yiv0092443504 .yiv0092443504j-rte-table thead, #yiv0092443504 .yiv0092443504j-rte-table tr, #yiv0092443504 .yiv0092443504j-rte-table th, #yiv0092443504 .yiv0092443504j-rte-table td {border-color:inherit;border-style:solid;border-width:inherit;text-align:left;vertical-align:baseline;}



Re: Gigabyte RX 5600 XT Gaming issues

in Graphics

Eu vi cara vou testar hoje. Mas tava em dúvida entre ele e esse cara aqui:

Depois que eu fiz suas recomendações ficou tudo ótimo, mas depois de 1 mês as travadas de telas e a necessidade de reinicializar o PC forçadamente voltaram. Estou triste com isso, por isso voltei no fórum para buscar ajuda.

Eu vou fazer o que o Andref24 disse. Funcionou para você?

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Eu instalei o driver 20.4.1 do dia 23 de abril. Você utilizou o arquivo que o Andres deixou no post para fazer o overclock com powertool?? Funciounou?


Sim, funcionou. Mas estou usando o 20.4.2 (sem o adrenalin). Uma coisa importante é que você tem que fazer essa modificação no morepowertool depois de instalar os drivers.. se você fizer antes, os drivers novo alteram os valores.. pq isso fica no registro do windows.

Em quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2020 14:56:57 BRT, bezerra95 <> escreveu:

#yiv7797186867 * #yiv7797186867 a #yiv7797186867 body {font-family:Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;}#yiv7797186867 #yiv7797186867 h1, #yiv7797186867 h2, #yiv7797186867 h3, #yiv7797186867 h4, #yiv7797186867 h5, #yiv7797186867 h6, #yiv7797186867 p, #yiv7797186867 hr {}#yiv7797186867 .yiv7797186867button td {}#yiv7797186867 .yiv7797186867jive-rendered-content table {border-collapse:collapse;margin:0 0 2px;}#yiv7797186867 #yiv7797186867 #yiv7797186867 , #yiv7797186867 .yiv7797186867j-rte-table .yiv7797186867jiveBorder {border-color:inherit;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;}#yiv7797186867 .yiv7797186867j-rte-table tbody, #yiv7797186867 .yiv7797186867j-rte-table tfoot, #yiv7797186867 .yiv7797186867j-rte-table thead, #yiv7797186867 .yiv7797186867j-rte-table tr, #yiv7797186867 .yiv7797186867j-rte-table th, #yiv7797186867 .yiv7797186867j-rte-table td {border-color:inherit;border-style:solid;border-width:inherit;text-align:left;vertical-align:baseline;}



Re: Gigabyte RX 5600 XT Gaming issues

in Graphics

Eu instalei o driver 20.4.1 do dia 23 de abril. Você utilizou o arquivo que o Andres deixou no post para fazer o overclock com powertool?? Funciounou?

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Isso, estou com o 20.4.2 me enganei. Ok, vou fazer as mudanças de Overclock hoje. Se eu apresentar problemas posto aqui. Se vc apresentar problemas tambem posta aqui ou manda um email. vlw


Eae xirombinha eu fiz o que você me aconselhou e o que o cara Andref24 disse, porém eu não fiz o Overclock com o MorePowerTool porque eu fiquei com dúvida em relação a velocidade das fans. Eu alterei a curva das fans no ASUS GPU Tweak II, então, fiquei com um pé atrás em fazer essas mudanças. Você aconselha faze-las?

A minha placa de vídeo é essa msm Gigabyte OC RX 5600 XT

Se eu tiver algum problema eu reportarei para você

Meu email tbm pra qualquer coisa: dh.thiago arroba hotmail com


Adept I

Got a brand new Gigabyte RX 5600 XT GAMING OC rev1.0 last week. It's simply not working. Crashes and freezes like mad on adrenaline 2020 20.2.2 as well as on adrenaline 2020 20.4.1. 

Setting a lower power target seemed to work for a day, then again started to crash and freez. Also tried to lower gpu and mem clocks in MSI Afterburner, still nothing. Tried DP and HDMI with and without Freesync. Both on FA0 and F2 bioses. Now I'm switching back to my old GTX 1060 . It's too late to return 5600 XT. I've bought it on Newegg, but live in Europe, and 30 days expires on 15th. Only the f@#ing LED works as intended on this card. I am very very upsed and mad. 

My specs:

CPU Ryzen 5 2600 + Noctua NH-L12S cooler

MB ASRock Fatal1ty B450 Gaming-ITX/ac

16 GB (2*8) Crucial Ballistix Sport LT 3200 MHz DDR4 DRAM

500 GB Samsung 970 EVO Plus M.2 NVMe SSD 

EVGA SuperNOVA 650 GM, 80 Plus Gold 650W PSU




Sup man! 

Have you tried to:

1) Unistall chipset drivers using the AMD Cleanup tool?

2) Unistall the previous drivers using DDU?

3) Get your Windows 10 version 1909 fully updated?

4) Turn all the features in Adrenalin off?

Here, I was having lots of issues trying to run it under FA0 bios. It just crashed many many times.. unsuable!

When I downgraded to F2 and wiped all the old traces of old drivers it turned out to get stable.. no more crashes so far. 

An advice here.. since you were using a nvidia card before this, try to have a fresh windows install. I've read a lot of people who are having problems switching brands without formating.

Keep us updated! Good luck!

Actually updating windows to 1909 seemed to help.

On FA0 bios the system still crashes after 15-20 minutes in GPU-Z 2.3.0 PCI-Express Render Test (green screen, something new). Went back to F2 bios and yesterday no issues at all, 40 minutes on GPU-Z render test, except Modern Warfare Warzone, but not a total system freez, only the game crashed. I keep Adrenaline features off for now, as I am very tired of rebooting my PC. 

Note, when going from FA0 to F2 bios - memory clock and gpu clock remains from FA0. You have to default memory clock via Aorus Engine from 14000 MHz to 12000 MHz and set gpu clock in MSI Afterburner from 1780 to 1620 MHZ.  

xirombinha Yes, I've used DDU for gpu and chipset with AMD removal tool previously. For now, I think, there is no need for a fresh windows install. Anyway, thank you for help. 

That's nice you've found out a way to put it to work properly. About "when going from FA0 to F2 bios - memory clock and gpu clock remains from FA0".. Are you sure?

I think their clocks are completely different. Where did you get that info?

I screenshot Gpu-z specs on both versions.. I got this:


the left one is on FA0, the right one is on F2.


I`m on F2 bios. Although GPUZ shows new values, when testing sensors shows that gpu clock hasn't changed since FA0. So I have set it manually in Afterburner and underclock the gpu. Same with memory, only memory I have to do it once, but gpu every time I boot the PC.



That's weirdo. I set everything standard and auto in adrenalin. I don't need to change anything when windows starts. I dind't manged to underclock. Have you ever tested without undervolting?


Since I got 2 crashes on FA0 and switched to F2, I set it every time the GPU to 1620 MHz, coz I am very tired and annoyed of crashes and I don't want to risk anymore. In Adrenaline I switched off everything and won't touch anything for a while. I think Gigabyte has to work with AMD on improving stability of this card. 

Definitely! Let's wait and see what they'll come up with.

Adept III

I have a 5600xt with latest AMD drivers.The thing i notice is crashes seem random for me. Dont remember having a green screen only black with a reboot. Im running max overclock,but the crashes still seem to be the same amount as just stock perfprmance bios setting.


Hum.. Have you already checked its clocks using a monitoring software? I flashed to this bios: 

Im using the lastest adrenalin 20.4.1.

Make to use DDU, Revo unistaller and ADM cleaner tool to remove all the old drivers and remember to update chipset drivers to newest ones. It worked for me.

Edited: I forgot, every feature in adrenalin is turned off (freesync, enhanced sync, anti-lag, etc, etc.).. Adjustments all set to automatic.

Adept I

Does anyone figure out how to solve those issues?? I have the same card and everytime I play a game for a while my pc reboot or display blue screen tdr_failure. I already tried many things, but nothing seems to work.


What have you tried specifically? Give us more info about your system's specs.


When I play a game for a while my pc reboot or display blue screen tdr_failure atkimpag.sys


Windows 10 Pro 1

Ryzen 5 3600

Aorus B450 M

Corsair 16GB Vengeance 3200 and Evo Potenza 8GB 3200

Gigabyte 5600 XT Gaming OC  BIOS: FA0

PSU RedDragon 600W


HD 1TB 7200 RPM

Adept III

Yeah! I used to have the same issue until I ran DDU, Revo Unistaller and the AMD Cleanup Tool. Afterwards I installed the most recent chipset drivers for my motherboard and then installed the adrenalin 20.4.1. Then...

I set PCi Gen 3 in UEFI BIOS for the PCI Express config.

I turned any feature in adrenalin off (Vsynce, enhanced syns, anti-aliasing, etc)

Adept II


I received the answer from Gigabyte support that F2 and FA0 BIOSes are incompatible with the card which had originally F60 VBIOS version. This is only for cards with originally F1 VBIOS version. Perhaps at the beginning there were cards with F1 VBIOS version but currently they sold cards with F60 VBIOS versions. The compatible updates should be F6x versions and you should be able to find it with Aorus Engine BIOS update option. For now I don't see any new version. Maybe there will be in the future, we will see.

But for now I found and followed the interesting instruction. You can change some VBIOS parameters by modifying SoftPowerPlayTable (SPPT) which is stored in Windows registry instead of modifying and flashing VBIOS. This overrides some VBIOS parameter and you can change it via MorePowerTool windows application (probably you have to have adminitrator privilleges and run it as administrator). Please look into the link:

I've tested this on my Gigabyte RX 5600 XT Gaming and had no black/green screens and freezes. What I have done:

  • I flashed original F60 VBIOS version, this one: VGA Bios Collection: Gigabyte RX 5600 XT 6 GB | TechPowerUp 
  • then I installed MorePowerTool application 
  • next I changed some parameter via MorePowerTool: I mean GPU clock speed to 1750 Mhz (via setting Power limit GPU: 160 and TDC Limit GFX: 150 options) and set memory to 14 Gbps (via setting Memory DPM 3 to 875). You can use file prepared by me: F60_1615_1750Mhz_14Gbps.mpt and load it into MorePowerTool via Load button - I've copied the most of this values from Sapphire RX 5600 XT Pulse due to it has no similar issues
  • after that I've clicked Write SPPT - it saves new changed parameters into Windows registry and override VBIOS values
  • restarted Windows to reload changed parameters into Windows
  • after reboot I had changed values in GPU-Z (memory clocks set to 1750 Mhz instead of 1500 Mhz)

After all I've tested it via 3D Mark tests and had no issue. Before these operations I had 6700 points score in 3D Mark Time Spy test after that over 7400 for graphic card so it seems to be working correctly.

Adrenalin drivers version I've installed: 20.4.2. Remember also to reset adrenalin/msi afterburn overclocked values to default in adrenalin software

I encourage you to try this on your cards because it looks quite safe, at worst case you will have to reinstall Windows and the new one will have clean Windows registry.

Please test it on more challenging games, I wasn't able to do this yet because I don't have time for games due to family stuff.

Adept III

How long have you done the these changes? Has it been stable so far?


No so long, just few days ago, but it is stable so far. I've run 3D Mark test for a long time and also played in GTA V and nothing wrong happend.


Above is my GPU-Z screenshot. I think the most important is to perform it on original F60 VBIOS. Of course more tests are needed on more demanding games, I don't have such games yet but on FA0 VBIOS even 3D Mark tests freezed/green screened my computer so now there were no test which freezed it.

It is also worth mentioning that you can easily revert this changes from registry by clicking: Delete SPPT in MorePowerTool i restarting Windows.

Glad that you figures out that workaround! I’m not sure if it will help me cause i think my problem is a bit different. I’ve had freezes with following black screens that force me to hard reset the system. It’s very random. Sometimes it takes one whole day to happen, sometimes it happens twice in a hour. It doesn’t seem like is due to agressive clocks and vbios stuff. Its more likely to be a bug or a Windows/adrenalin incompatibility. I say that because when it crashes I can hear the sound of the game in the background. it seems like the system is running but with no video. All of this happens whatever I’m playing either a demanding game or just browsing..


I'm not sure if it helps you as well. I bought this card a week ago so I didn't use it so long to say if there were freezes/black screens during the browsing. I now for sure that on FA0 BIOS when I ran 3D Mark tests there where green screens maybe also black I don't remember. But on F2 BIOS when I overclock it a little bit via MSI Afterburn or Radeon Adrenalin software I noticed also black screens and only way was restart. I didn't encounter this during browsing but maybe I didn't test it so long.

You can just try, it shouldn't be worse. Currently I'm still running on this F60 fix and still everything is stable during gaming and browsing as well.