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Graphics Cards




I recently have a problem with my laptop GPU  HP dv6 pavillion 6199 w/  AMD HD 6700M ... it says no AMD installed after latest windows automatic update. but display driver shows it on driver manager... sometimes in past My screen went black and when I push on keyboard it got back to normal and thats because of connector of gpu seems had issue.

now thing became harder when the windows can boot up normally and it keeps giving me error "irql not less or equal problem amd driver repair"    and i have to use safe mode to uninstall AMD driver to make it run windows normally


so the question is ,,, my AMD gpu needs repair physically? or its just driver that has issue?

however I tried all its drivers to make it works and it keeps saying no AMD installed!


any Idea?

5 Replies

no one is here ?


If you HP Laptop has a AMD APU Processor you must install the APU AMD Driver which will automatically install both the Integrated Graphics and the Discrete GPU (6700M) drivers.

Went to AMD Download page and it seems like the HD6700M is a OEM GPU Card but both of the other HD67XXM cards shows that AMD  doesn't support that GPU with updated drivers. It shows only two last AMD drivers to update to:

1-WHQL 2015

2-BETA 2016

But found this AMD-Driver website (can't verify if website is legitimate or not) that seems to have the same 2015 AMD Driver showing it to be compatible with the HD6700M GPU Card:

Screenshot 2021-03-24 172051.png

If you trying to install a AMD Driver later than 2016 it won't be compatible with the HD6700M GPU card.

If you have an Intel APU processor than you must first update the Intel APU Graphics driver, Inter Chipset, and also your laptop's BIOS to the latest version before updating the discrete AMD GPU card in your laptop.

Intel Drivers must be the latest especially the Graphics and CHIPSET for the latest AMD laptop driver to work correctly.


unable to edit my reply so adding it here:

EDIT: Forgot to mention that if HP Support has it own AMD Driver with the same version or similar date it is best to use the HP AMD Driver rather than the AMD generic laptop driver which is compatible but will be generally like a basic VGA driver in which it might not use of your HP laptop features.


Thanks for the help.. I tried many drivers before and also the driver that HP has mentioned in this model Laptop... but the problem is windows keep saying :  "No AMD Graphics drivers is installed. or the AMD driver is not functioning properly. Please install the AMD driver appropriate to your AMD hardware "

in same time,, Device Manager shows AMD RADEON HD 6700M under Display Driver .. sometimes looks works properly sometimes with caution error on the icon .

I just want to know is the problem back to hardware or wire connection or  its just a driver issue?




Since you know how to reach your Laptop's Support page, Go to "Diagnostics" and run the online Laptop HP Diagnostics on your Laptop and see if it comes back with any issues.

If it does then open a HP Support ticket and see what they say how to fix it. If Diagnostic comes back as everything is good then I don't know what to suggest next.

Except restore your HP Laptop to the way it originally was when it first came from the factory and see if the same problem occurs. If it does that should be a strong indicator of, at least, a hardware issue involved.