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Graphics Cards

Journeyman III

After driver update pc won't boot with rx5600xt oc plugged in

Hi. Two days ago I let Adrenalin update my RX 5600xt Mech OC to the latest driver in Windows 10, screen flickered more than usual, then all the Windows icons disappeared. I waited ages (30mins+) nothing chamged so then held power button down to turn off. 

Thurned on, pc beeped, but zero display - no splash screen nothing, but sounded like it was booting up with fans etc. 

Turned off then on against several  times still nothing. 

I had a 2600x so I sold that and got a 4650g, pc boots into windows fine when hdmi in the mobo now with gfx removed, but when I plug gfx back into mobo, pc beeps several times and won't boot or display anything.


Card was great before this (tho a previous driver update for rx5600 on Win 11 wrecked that install so I had to fresh install windows 10). But has been stable in Win 10 for a few months.


Until that driver update. 

Should I try deleting adrenaline and using DDU? (read about that in other forums...not used it ever).


I was hoping to roll back the gfx driver bit can't as as soon as it's plugged into mobo the pc won't load (I haven't checked what the beeps mean yet ().


But it seems AMD's driver has bricked my card!


Any suggestions pls? Thanks


Aorus B450

8GB 3000mhz RAM (Corsair)

Ryzen 5 4650g

Kingston m.2 SSD

Windows 10

(All drivers are always kept up to date, and I did a BIOS update to the latest just a few months back).


Many thanks!


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