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PC Graphics

Adept I

6900 XT Black Screen while in use

Just got a brand new 6900XT and it works like a beast, HOWEVER, while in use whether on desktop or in a game the screen just randomly goes black for a couple seconds and then comes back on. When this happens audio goes with it. It's not the display as the display never goes to "No signal" or anything and the system isn't restarting or freezing, the current content has clearly kept running during the issue. Its like it just stopped producing an image. It seems to happen entirely at random, I watched TV on it for hours and nothing happened, then it happened once all the sudden while on desktop. Then it happened a handful of times while playing Cyber Punk 2077. Other than this odd behavior though it runs like a champ, I'd expect poorer performance if it was the hardware, but I'm at a loss.

- I'm running a Samsung Q80A HDR display, the TV has had no problems with previous computers
- I'm using a 4k HDMI 2.1 cable
- I've checked temperatures and it doesn't seem to be exceeding 83C
- Oddly it doesn't seem to happen during Unigine stress testing, but again it's very random.
- I just got this computer setup so the AMD drivers are the newest and there is no anti-virus software as of yet
- I'm not running any of the special software, i.E - Chill, VRR, Image sharpening, Boost, etc are ALL off


Any suggestions are appreciated, this is the first AMD product I've bought in over ten years and while I love the performance the black screen is a hard no in my book. I just want a working computer. I've got a week or so to get this resolved or it's going back to new egg.

25 Replies
Volunteer Moderator

Try the easy things first.  Do you have a Displayport cable?  Even another HDMI cable to try?  It's worth a shot.  Then look at the PSU you have installed.  Is it a quality, name-brand unit or is it some name you've never heard of before?  There are lots of cheap PSUs out there on the market.  I would expect you are running a gold or platinum-rated 850 Watt or higher PSU.  Also, 83 C is rather warm.  Can you increase cooling in any way, such as fan speeds?  Maybe the Chill settings in the AMD drivers are something that would help in this situation.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

My tv doesn't support display port, don't have another hdmi but the other pc and ps4 I have has no issue with the cable. Ps is 1000w gold cert corsair. As for cooling im pumping 5 intakes and a 140mm exhaust on this,  can't add any more fans the case is maxed. I'll try to nab a new hdmi just in case and turn on the chill option and see what happens. Thanks.


hmmmm. strange i get exactly this, random blackscreen while watching something on youtube or on desktop. never noticed it in games though. 

can i ask is your "83c" junction temp or edge? if its junction temp then thats pretty normal. but deffo a bit on the warm side if its edge temp.

im wondering if it has anything to do with the samsung tv or in my case the samsung g7 monitor.

my nephew has the same pc as me, but swap out the 6900xt for a 6800xt and a different monitor and he has never had this issue.

my specs:


32GB cl14 3600mhz ram

asus x570 gaming -e mobo

powercolour 6900xt

samsung G7 27" monitor

Volunteer Moderator

Some people have had problems with the 6900 XT and certain drivers.  Another thing to try is using the Microsoft drivers.  Getting those to control the card might be tricky, but I expect you uninstall the AMD Adrenalin drivers and then reboot to see if the Microsoft drivers take over.  Not sure about that process though as I have never gone back like that.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

There are so many problems with Samsung monitors or TV. I also have a G7 and is now in RMA for the 2nd time. The first time they replaced the motherboard. After that the problem was even worse. The Monitor gets too hot and in some scenarios it shuts down. In my case I get a black screen after playing Apex legend for half an hour.
The problem with the G7 is that the heatsink on the monitor makes no or poor contact on both chips on the motherboard.


ah i dont really have any issues with my samsung monitor its self. my issue looks like a kinda GPU driver crash, sceen goes grey sound continues for a short time and then dies too leaving my second moniotr on like normal, main samsung monitor grey no sound or input  and have to reboot. this only happens in league of legends while alt + tabbing .

at the end of a league game when leaving from fullscreen back to client, every game it will massively lag my pc out but just discord and the league client


With the G7 I do indeed have regular driver crashes. For example from sleep mode and alt tabbing indeed:  I think I've had a gray screen 4-5 times during normal use (youtube). Now that my samsung screen is in RMA I am using Acer monitor and I haven't had any problem yet or crashes. 

Samsung is making bad products, Hardware Unboxed also just made a video about it.

Adept II

Are you using enhanced sync?  Copied and pasted from latest drivers known issues:

  • Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.

No I'm not using enhanced sync. I did get another HDMI cable and found it had no effect. I had been using two power cables from my PSU to power the 3 power slots on the card, as the cables had splits, SO I tried connect a 3rd independent power cable to ensure one committed cable for each slot. This made the problem MUCH worse, the screen now flicks black every few minutes while gaming instead of every few hours. I've looked into flashing the Vbios but for my Gigabyte 6900XT OC Gaming 16GB, it appears no bios exists to flash. I don't really have any ideas left but returning the card at this point.

Volunteer Moderator

My next step would be to find another PSU to use.  Even name-brand power supplies can develop issues.  Perhaps your power connectors are all using the same rail and thus drawing too much power from that side.  First try different ports on the PSU for your PCIe cables.  If the problem seems to change with moving the PSU connections around, either it's a bad PSU or there is another sensitivity in the hardware.  

Can you find another PSU to try?

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

This is totally unacceptable... I just bought 6900 XT and was enjoying it for like 2 days and boom out of nowhere just like 5 minutes ago I had this same issue, while I was playing a game and watching twitch I constantly switch between my browser and game , and all of sudden when I switched my screen went black, however my monitor kept indicated that its been plugged to GPU and didnt show "NO SIGNAL" even my audio on the screen continued however no image at all... Good job AMD... my last AMD GPU was like 12 years ago ever since I was always goes for nvidia, and now I said to my self lets give them a chance they seems to produce something powerful!! Ye good job powerful and buggy...


can I ask what game you was playing? I've manage to narrow this down to only happening while playing league of legends while using discord (EDIT) and alt-tabbing for me. completely freezes up my pc and stops all audio at the end of every game and  50/50 if alt-tabbing will give me a grey screen on main monitor and complete pc freeze after a few seconds requiring a restart.


This happens to be on BlackDesert Online, its not the game im sure since I play this game for 5 years and never had this issue before with my Nvidias. I have running discord also, but wasn't using it at the time of the black screen. Also for me my PC don't block/freeze Its just there is no image on my screen everything else continues, like sound...


I've got the same problem.  I've got a new 6950XT that will grey screen or black screen randomly.  What I've noticed doing some research that most of us with this problem are running 240hz monitors and adaptive sync/freesync.  I let a friend try out my card in his AMD system and it runs fine with no problems.  So I'm not sure what the exact problem is, but it doesn't get along with my system, maybe the G.Skill Trident Z Neo memory, not sure (which might be something in common with others).   I've done everything you could possibly think of troubleshooting this and finally gave up and bought a RTX 3080, which runs fine.  Since the gpu crash it's almost impossible to sell my brand new 6950XT now and AMD will not take  it back.  I will never buy oem ever again.  If I had bought from Amazon I would have RMA'd it and been done.

I am experiencing this exact same issue. 144hz Freesync Monitor with G. Skill ram. I just started the RMA process.

Adept II

Originally, I used a 6800XT for a few months, then a 6950XT.  Shortly after installing the 6950XT  I started getting random grey or black screens.  Driver would crash and sometimes recover, sometimes not, causing me to hard reset.  Reinstalling the 6800XT did not fix this, it started doing the same thing.  I think I may now have figured this out.  I'm now on day 2 here with no problems.  I disabled XMP in the bios and set ram timings manually, lowered my speed from 3600 down to 3200 (just for now) and bumped the ddr memory voltage up to 1.4v.  In all of my previous troubleshooting, while I reduced ram speed before (still drivers crashed), I had never turned off XMP.  My ram, G.SKILL Trident Z Neo F4-3600C16D-32GTZNC seems to have degraded over time running with XMP enabled for the past 2 1/2 years.

Volunteer Moderator

RAM can do all sorts of nasty things when it starts failing.  I remember several times over the years, in the DDR and DDR2 days, when I would have one bad stick and I tried moving it around so it would be the last to be used by the motherboard / CPU and minimize my crashes because I was too cheap to buy another stick.  Blue screens were so much fun back in the day.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".
Journeyman III

I started to have this problem and couldn't fix it by changing drivers. Restarting the computer, enabling the device again, etc, sometimes worked, sometimes not.

My card had a one cable that split into two PCIe connectors.

So what I did was connect one more cable to the PSU (850w). So now instead of one cable with two heads, I have two separate cables going to the card, one from the first row and one from the second row in the PSU, in hopes that they have a separate circuit.

So far it's been like 5 windows -> game starts with no black screen.

Adept III

the whole thing is so odd. i have dont ZERO troubleshooting steps really because it was so random and like maybe once every 3 days it would happen. touch wood, ive now had a grey screen crash in LoL for at least 2 weeks. it just stopped


I see no mention of 22.5.1 but 22.5.1 is recommended anything after is optional so give 22.5.1 a try, many users are reporting problems with blackscreens me included for me 22.5.1 was the solution, i trigger blackscreens specificly most of the time and consistently by doing video call and during videocall.


I've tried every new driver (optional or WHQL) since I bought the card summer last year. every driver has the issue for me. but like I said, about 2 weeks ago it just stopped. I've been using 22.5.1 for about 2 months now so it was doing it on that driver too but whatever happened about 2 weeks ago stopped it. honestly have no idea what it could be though. I don't even know really if it's the driver or League of Legends or a combo of them both. it only every happened if I was watching a YouTube vid and playing LoL at same time and the YouTube vid finished playing. 50/50 that would be a crash so had to constantly keep an eye to make sure my vid never stopped during game


I'm on a 5700XT and I'm not sure if the issues between the 5000 and 6000 series are exactly the same but I have done a lot of testing and tinkering to get rid of gray/grey screens. In the end the only thing that works is to stay on the recommended WHQL driver 22.5.1. You may get more stability trying other things but eventually it will still have issues. I was running fine on 22.9.1 for a week. Then I played Battlefield 4 and within a few minutes I had a gray primary screen and black secondary and it locked up and I had to reset. I rolled back to 22.5.1 and no issues.

I am eyeballing some 6000 series cards as the prices are dropping but I'm not buying anything until the issues are resolved. It would be so disappointing to get a new card and have more of this crap. Also waiting for the new cards to come out, hopefully along with that comes a solid new driver for all cards. If this takes too long I may consider Nvidia again.

PS. I'm also on a G7 Samsung monitor 240Hz with my secondary being some Dell monitor I got from work.

[ 5800X3D | XFX 6950XT | MSI B550 | 420mm AIO | G.SKILL 32GB 3600Mhz | 1000W Platinum | Samsung G7 240Hz | Moza racing gear ]
Journeyman III

I had similar Issue, felt like the computer would crash but still have power with a black screen when ever i was doing a high graphics game with a lot of work.

tried everything, did a full comp replacemnt except GPU. still had it,

lowered Clock speed, swapped psu, felt like everything.

the one thing i didnt do, was swap the power cables going to the GPU. I kept the original ones from my old one. as soon as i swapped them out, the issue went. bear in mind i was getting ready to swap it for a new one. dont thinki need to now. if you have 2x spare cables in a pack or on your PSU, try them.

Journeyman III

I had a similar issue with my 6900xt (2 months old) randomly blacking out typically in a beefy portion of a game. I just got stuck in a loop on No Man’s Sky when entering a planets atmosphere (can be pretty beefy) and found this thread and tried a bunch of solutions. Driver reinstall/rollback, restarting, restarting after deleting the driver, turning on and off various settings in the amd software. Every time I loaded back into no man’s sky, boom display out. I just tried hooking up a third PCIE cable from my PCU to my GPU (instead of 2 with one being daisy chained between two connectors) and it let me land on the planet!! I have been playing for about 5 minutes now no issues, so knock on wood.

Journeyman III

After 2 years and trying every possible solution i finally found my fix. I updated my GPU vbios. Found my card's vbios updater tool online, updated the vbios, restarted my pc and no more crashes. I usually got black screen crashes with some high end games at least once every hour. Now i have played for days and no crashes at all.

The name of the updater for me was "TUF-RX6900XT-O16G-I3S-VBIOS-update-tool"