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Graphics Cards

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536576XEQSUPERSAMPLING AA in config file for good graphics gaming!

So my ryzen 5700G and 5700xt seem to be getting closer to playstation 3 graphics quality.. cell processor cellular levels of quality with realistic skin/eyes and things.. i dont think im quite at DNA level yet.. but the fake CG cutscenes became 90% live action movie looking.. its a step in the right direction.

genetics quality graphics is difficult but truer fires and true light seem to sorta work.. and absurdly high super resolution also seem to work.

Baldur's Gate 3 (1920x1080) - (Vulkan) - (6 WT) 4_1_2022 12_12_58 PM.png

Baldur's Gate 3 (1920x1080) - (Vulkan) - (6 WT) 4_1_2022 12_14_32 PM.png

Baldur's Gate 3 (1920x1080) - (Vulkan) - (6 WT) 4_1_2022 12_15_02 PM.png


I've used the config file posted here on media fire and some screen shots of the intro movie and char creation of a early access game so the game maybe has much room for improvement yet and the graphics arent final.. because well honestly its performance fps wise sucks.. other titles get wayyyy higher fps and have similar graphics quality and offer more control over the camera and such. though to be fair its a gameworks title so it sorta doesnt works on amd at all historically you could gain like 60% FPS increase in some online japanese RPG game by files/registry hacking game works to get it to pretend to work ages ago but i have no memory of how as i didnt play that game but had a read of the guide.. just like how the witcher 3 still doesnt run on anything ever.. TLDR i get about 70-90fps in baldurs gate 3.. but other game titles i get wayyyy higher.. hundreds. 

even acvalhalla is higher fps and i wanna say quality i guess but hadnt loaded it up since i tried this configuration and mk11 has super high fps but thats maybe a very small world map.

anyway i've a media fire link here with more screenshots i took which includes my config.ini file for the graphics settings u can place into C: and the registry settings i maybe used.. 

i'd love it if somebody who knows computers and graphics could help improve my config file and fix the parts where its still probably lacking or having very poor performance.

when i screen capture video or gameplay every few shots is often unbelievably blurry i think its playing back in 4000-3000fps and then it frame limits it to 24 or something using a terrible frameskip method and my freesync or whatever and me disabling buffering or at least trying to and vsync might be at fault as im not uhh delaying them im throwing them out as fast as i can.

but yeah in game 80-400fps its less of an issue but still a sort of a problem. my card is only capable of full RGB44410bit120hz reality rendering at 1080p i think? needs RDNA 2  for better.. but this works with AMD mobile phones no worries as i put vulkan words in there too. well the 3 or 4 i know of? or could guess?

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