Hey. My Idle GPU and GPU memory clocks stay at 300MHz. I don't like it, I know it's due to power management and I found out that many people have a button to turn it off, but I don't have such button.
Is there any way to turn power efficiency off without having this button? help me please
xfx rx 580 with software Adrenalin 2019 version 19.1.1
Solved! Go to Solution.
The power efficiency toggle wouldn't help with that, even if you could still toggle it on or off.
What game are you referring to?
Try right clicking State 7 dot for core clock in WattMan and set to minimum state. This will lock the GPU under idle condition to the highest core clock and may improve your performance.
There is no longer a power efficiency button since it is not required.
Why isn't it required? Dynamic overclocking doesn't work perfectly and flash player games lag because clocks stay at idle state.
Is there any workaround, or do I have to say goodbye to a game that I love and been playing it for years? 😕
It was a feature that was introduced temporarily until it got fully integrated into the driver. It is no longer required.
You are not helping me by saying it's not required...
Is there any way I can use full power of pc regardless I don't need it most of the time?
I need this because the game I play needs more power than dynamic overclocking provides to me...
Maybe it's a bug and I should report it to AMD?
How many displays are you running? Those idle clocks sound about right.
Just one, they are right for being idle, sadly they stay at idle state when I play my flash player game and it lags.
I don't know, maybe it's the game just bad coded. All I know is it was very smooth on my old laptop.
I know also it becames playable when I open ReLive or open youtube video in background making clocks raise up.
And it's playable then but it's still not as smooth as it should be and since it's online multiplayer game that requires a lot of precise, smoothness is requirement to be one of the best players in that game. I'm just sad it doesn't work smooth on such fast pc
The power efficiency toggle wouldn't help with that, even if you could still toggle it on or off.
What game are you referring to?
Try right clicking State 7 dot for core clock in WattMan and set to minimum state. This will lock the GPU under idle condition to the highest core clock and may improve your performance.
Yay, that's it! Thank you