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Journeyman III

Wraith Prism Cooler purchase USB header...


I am new here, I have recently purchased a AMD 2200g and would like to use my Wraith Prism cooler, I lost the USB header to control the RGB lighting

Is there a way to repurchase the USB header?

Thanks in advance...

3 Replies

No, Another User in a similar thread in this Forum asked the same question.

Those Wraith CPU Cooler cables are not sold separately. You either need to purchase a new Wraith CPU Cooler or see if a Ebay User will sell you one separately.

If your Wraith came bundled with the Processor In Box then you can try and open an online AMD WARRANTY REQUEST and see if they will send you a separate cable. But it is a good chance they won't since you lost the cable and that is considered to be Customer Error. But there is no harm in trying. The worst they can say is "NO". You can open a Warranty Request from here: 

Journeyman III

Wraith Prism USB2 header to 3 pin RGB cable. (not the 4 in to 4 pin cable)

Will someone please send a picture of both ends of this cable that includes wire colors at the plugs so I can make one of these and properly control the LED lights.

I purchased a PowerSpec G-162 computer from Micro Center that included NO documentation or spare cables that ship with included components.

I have made 2 attempts to contact support with ZERO response.

I build drones, 3D Printers and have built computers. I'm comfortable making and installing the missing cable.

I'm not concerned about warranty issues as support does not seem to respond or exist by my online help options experience.

I had purchased a HDD Drive & SATA III cable that they were very happy to install when I picked up the computer. 

I did see on eBay that a guy in Australia has made some but can not ship to the US.

Thanks in advance!


Hi burtus - Did you have any luck in either ID'ing the 3 pin connector, or in otherwise getting ahold of this part via aftermarket?

I personally have seen the part shipping from china->AUS for approx. $20 AUD, with maybe a month shipping est.

My PC shop didn't connect the fan control on build, and didn't supply us with spares from the build (😡). 

Re. your specific request:

USB2 9 pin headers are well documented (link - every example I've seen appears to connect [4, 6, 8], but that's likely interchangable with [3,5,7]), & I've found multiple pictures that indicate the pin positions on the 3 pin side, however I don't know the form factor of the 3 pin-side connector.


If you've found any pic of the 3 pin side, you'll notice black, white and green. These have well-documented meanings [black = ground, white = data+, green = data- ], and on most postings you can actually confirm that against the USB header side.

I'd be surprised if the 3 pin connector was not some standard form factor, and from squinting at blurry pictures, I have a few suspicions of what that may be, but nothing solid.

I've found a cable-id request thread (reddit link) with HQ photos of a very similar looking part, that people suspect is the same cable.

The poster says it's "just over 4mm wide"