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General Discussions

Adept I

Would it be a bad idea to turn my pc into a fridge kind of?

So what if I turned my pc case into a fridge by mixing them together with a mini fridge, I would cover all the important parts in a clear plastic or 3d print and I could also use it to keep drinks inside because its a freezer and I also heard computers are more efficient in colder conditions. Is this a horrifically horrible or great idea? 

2 Replies

Well first your Mini-Fridge PC wouldn't be able to maintain any type of cool temperature since the computer components will be expelling hot air inside the Mini-fridge. Also if you have the exhaust air going outside the Mini-Fridge the same thing occurs in that all the cold air inside the Fridge will also be expelled. Defeating the purpose of a Refrigerator.

So yes it is a bad idea, in my opinion.


What about a freezer?