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General Discussions

Journeyman III

Why does AMD support partners that charge almost 170 USD more than MSRP for a 5900x?

This is a large price difference to be advertising partner sales likes this. There are 2 partners shown for this CPU on the AMD Shop and one (Microcenter) sells and advertises the CPU at MSRP and the other (Insight) sells and advertises the CPU at 170 USD more than MSRP. Interesting choice for AMD to support those prices in these days.

AMD Shop - 5900x

3 Replies
Adept III

This is pretty upsetting actually. I could understand a third party marketplace seller on amazon or newegg throwing a 30-35% premium on top but it is pretty suspicious that they have a seller on their own site doing this. I really wish that AMD would maybe slow down the number of units being sent to OEMs and SIs and push generally stock for retail purchase until the supply shortage is over.


As was discussed at length since the cryptocurrency boom, MSRP is just the SUGGESTED retail price, the actual retail price will fluctuate based on demand, but AMD doesn't make anything extra on the sales, the stores do.

While absolutely true. AMD could however make partners agree to sales guidelines that limit the percentage above MSRP they sell at. The could work with AIB partners to give more distribution to retailers that don't gouge customers.

This rape continues because the whole chain from maker to seller turn a blind eye and buyers still stupidly buy at those inflated prices.