Currently, the old Microsoft Windows operating systems have expired their support period, but can you use these systems again in the future or not? You can use the systems normally, but the problem is in the thing of the owners of old devices, for example, you cannot use at least Windows XP and Windows Vista as well as 7, and the big problem is in the definitions, most of the old devices you can get their definitions from the official website of the manufacturer only, and also the Internet is currently there Internet browsers that still support Windows X, as well as Windows Vista, such as RoyTam browsers, for example, have some browsers that still support old operating systems, and also you will need Direct X, let it be the latest version, for example, such as DirectX 11, and you just keep running Windows updates and get an antivirus Strong viruses and you can also use the old operating systems from Microsoft Windows
Note : Do not install old Windows versions before finding your drivers