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General Discussions

Adept I

When playing a video game my game gets laggy and not smooth

I play any video game, like fortnite, rocket league, minecraft or robloc, it only lags when playing game but i go to discord or a browser and it is fine. i got to the Radeon Software and i check a few things and when i play a game my graphics card utilization jumps up to 99% and 72c. Ive not been able to play game or anything for like 3 weeks because of this and ive had my PC for about a year and a half.

4 Replies

List  your full PC specs .. including make/model of your power supply .. whether or not you are using any kind of extender cables INSIDE your case ..what operating system ... etc

.. help us to better help you 

ThreeDee PC specs

I dont know them all but this what i know to my knowledge. 

AMD Ryzen 5 5600x 6-core 

32gb of ram

radeon 6600xt 

windows 10 

EVGA 650w bronze powersupply

msi b550 pro motherboard

1tb of ssd
if you need to know more then please tell me what specific item or items.


Volunteer Moderator

I would focus on a software problem that's causing the video card to be utilized at it's maximum.  To start, I would uninstall the current graphics drivers (Radeon Software) and reboot once before installing a fresh download of the latest graphics drivers.

As Albert Einstein said, "I could have done so much more with a Big Al's Computer!".

I tried that and now every time I try installing the software a error comes up. It is error 206 - AMD Software install cannot proceed do to a pending windows install or update. Please restart windows before running AMD Software install. So what should I do.