Starting from your image gallery, you choose the image and name it. There are size limitations, of course, and a community moderator must approve your image before it appears in your gallery or you can insert it in a post
I already fired off this question to @Sam_AMD .
I am just curious if anyone has seen this phenomenon since the new forum started. I had a couple in the few days but since yesterday it is now several more. Anyone else seeing their posts disappear?
I also noticed when trying to message a mod about this I could not put a mods name into the send field in the message.
I could only reply to previous message from Sam.
Just curious who has seen this or similar behavior so far.
I mentioned this the first day that AMD Forum became live in another thread.
I guess you forgot but I mentioned that when I uploaded a couple of images the Thread or reply disappeared afterwards.
In my opinion it seems like the reply or Thread goes automatically into Moderation for a Moderator to review before going live.
According to "Help", All images uploaded must be approved by the AMD Moderator before going live on the thread.
How do I upload an image to my image gallery?
Starting from your image gallery, you choose the image and name it. There are size limitations, of course, and a community moderator must approve your image before it appears in your gallery or you can insert it in a post
But in this new format it doesn't warn the User that their reply has gone into Moderation to be reviewed. It just disappears without notice to the Users. The reply or thread should reappear again once it has been approved.
Also it is possible someone tagged the reply or thread as being inappropriate but it is just a guess on my part.
Nope didn't forget anything. I saw what I had as different. Nothing mentioning moderation. No pictures involved. I had seen the posts I made there the day before. But the next day now gone.
So I posted this question as a new question as it is not the same thing.
With my replies or threads there was no mention of being moderated either. They just disappeared.
Maybe it is a bug in Khoros software.
I am sure it is. I just found it really weird as I had replies I made from the day before and couple days earlier now just gone. Plus one I had just wrote.
No links or images in those replies that disappeared?