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General Discussions

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We no longer recommend Radeon

Thread edited to preserve sanity.

What exactly is the issue with this thread?

I have a right to say this.

This is a complete mess AMD with all due respect, top tier consumer GPU and this is the standard?

You deserve no gratitude right now, you should be ashamed, yes you made a quick buck, but no-one recommends AMD anymore.

You have lost the mindshare. No-one trusts you anymore, I don't hate you AMD, I'm just so disappointed in you.

Hope you happy AMD

23 Replies

Probably just as many or more have the opposite opinion of AMD as you do. 

AMD has it issues just as Nvidia has issues.

But you have the right to express your opinion, Positive or Negative, concerning AMD as any User has here at AMD Forums.

My RX 480 has one 8-pin on it but when playing games at 3840x2160 the card can easily exceed 200W when the turbo mode kicks in to handle the workload. That is just the card load, does not consider the 65W my CPU wants etc


"We" as in Only You!

I can recommend AMD Products without a doubt!

Not applicable

Be my guest, which new Radeon product do you recommend? 


I've used almost every series since the 9600 pro.(only missed the 2000 series)

Currently using an ASUS ROG Strix 5700XT OC ,works perfect with no issues whatsoever.Upgraded from my ROG Strix RX580 OC 

last fall.Also upgraded from a 2600X to a 2700X. 

I actually started with Nvidia back 20+ years ago,went to an ATI card and have used them ever since,I did Try another Nvidia once,A GTX 560 Ti 448 core GPU,it fried in less than a half hour.I have Even used Intel CPU's(core 2 duo 6850 I believe),but have been with AMD again since then.And have had pretty much no issues with hardware or software.And that is why I still use them now.

I have recommended AMD to people I have Gamed with in the Past and They are happy with them as well.

Not applicable

That's great, good for you, ASUS are very good with AMD GPU's.

Problem is, Asus cannot just hack the VII and disable the powerplay downclocking, so even the ASUS VII suffers from this issue.

Its a shame.

Same here, always had top tier ATI gear from 99'

Do you think I like creating threads like this? No.


"We" is a bit assumptive... and I suspect is driven by the linked video (AdoredTV) and various other Tech Reviewers than specifically personal experience and opinion.

Personally., while I'm deeply disappointed with the current state of the Adrenalin 2020 Drivers and RX 5000-Series (as a whole., individual cards are "Fine" but their price points feel like a slap in the fact to Long-Term Radeon Consumers like myself... and the Navi 14 being repurposed from the Embedded Design intended for the PlayStation 5, as opposed to being Navi 10 with fewer Graphics Engines) ... that doesn't mean that overall, I don't recommend AMD Products (be it CPU or GPU) to friends / colleges. 

What I will say, is that I think the Radeon Technologies Group does need to get their act together.

If the current state is due to just Poor Management., Corporate Office Interference., or In-Fighting ... which I've heard rumours of all these being cited as reasons for the current state of affairs; it doesn't matter.

What does matter is that they have Architecture that puts them in a similar potential position as ATI was in shortly prior to AMD's Buyout of them (something AMD themselves haven't experienced yet) ... and while ATI would've been capable of capitalising on such an advantage, it's clear that AMD either isn't capable or isn't willing to; when they should. 

NVIDIA is in a very vulnerable position because of RTX. 

This might sound weird, given they still have a clear market dominance... but keep in mind that NVIDIA is heavily wagering on their ability to Strong-Arm Real-Time Ray-Tracing into the future of Graphics Hardware, and their future Architecture design is likely to continue to swap CUDA Cores for RT Cores., with no real development in improving the "Traditional" Graphics Pipeline (i.e. CUDA) any further.

It does makes sense, as they have hit somewhat of a dead-end; just like Intel has with their Core Architecture. 

Yet this is why I'm saying NVIDIA is Vulnerable because of it... as AMD hasn't hit the same wall, given their focus the previous Graphics Generation was on Asynchronous Compute; something that could've served them well, had they had much greater influence on Khronos and Microsoft to have supported it much earlier. 

That wouldn't have allowed NVIDIA the time they needed (5 years) in order to come up with a jury rigged counter. 

Here though, AMD with Navi doesn't need to do that... they don't need to convince Developers to not spend all of that time and resources on supporting Ray-Tracing., as well typically Developers (and Publishers) don't WANT to adopt new approaches and technology; they just want the Hardware to make their lives easier and allow them to do more, with the minimal of effort.

If AMD had (or was) approaching Navi much more sensibly., with Drivers that had the same Quality and Stability as 12-18 months ago; not to mention was taking the same "Undercut the Competition" approach to Pricing as they are with Intel... well NVIDIA would be in a VERY bad position., not because their Hardware wouldn't be competitive, it still would be but rather because such an approach would shred NVIDIA' Reputation with their Core Audience. 

It would force them into a position to try to match AMD's Price-Performance Point., which isn't ideal for NVIDIA as, they'd just been kicked in the balls by their attempt to capitalise on the short-lived Cryptocurrency Gold Rush; and NVIDIA being NVIDIA, decided to pass such ball-kicking onto their AIB Partners and Retailers. 

This is one of those situations where their Competition (AMD in this case) needs to just "Continue Business as Usual" and they'd automatically come out on top... by virtue of their Competition' mistakes. Yet, AMD pulled an AMD... and has promptly shot themselves in the foot, repeatedly. 

Now I'm at a point with the Adrenalin Drivers (and Windows 10) where, it's "Mostly" Stable and the issues have become more rare. Yet, I do get the distinct impression that the current major issues with the Drivers are primarily stemming from New Driver Engineers (who have yet to get up to speed)., the classic AMD issue of being fairly disconnected from their QA Team (and Community) ... don't get me wrong, the Community Managers have always done a good job; but the Driver Team NEEDS to also be on here, paying attention and listening. 

Plus I'd personally strongly suggest working with the Web Team, to implement a Driver Feedback System; where every single "Fix" and "Issue" can be catalogued, voted on, feedback given (fixed, yay-or-nay) as well as automated system diagnostic / upload. 

But I think another element is there's this push to keep innovating, when really what Consumers want is a complete overhaul of the Drivers to where they are absolutely Stable... I mean weirdly, while the shift to "GCN Only" Support was supposed to resolve a lot of legacy issues, the reality is; it actually resulted in a vast majority of issues occurring where they didn't exist before. 

From my perspective., AMD does need us to hold their feet to the fire over such things... but I wouldn't go about telling everyone to avoid AMD Graphics... as just because this generation (and new Architecture) is having more teething issues than comfortable., that doesn't mean their entire Graphics Product Stack is suddenly all garbage. 

I stand ready with the opening big of 99 cents for unwanted radeon cards

Not applicable

I cant believe I have to bow down to the green-eyed monster.

AMD you make my blood boil.

NVidia are having a bubble bath right now.


john007 wrote:

I cant believe I have to bow down to the green-eyed monster.


AMD you make my blood boil.


NVidia are having a bubble bath right now.

before a new BIOS surfaced on the bricked X570 I could not use my RX 480 at all, my GTX 1060 worked fine

now the MSI X570-A PRO is waiting on an RMA

AMD Radeon RX 480 video card benchmark result - AMD Ryzen 5 3600,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. ... 


john007 wrote:

This is what you need.

Not nearly enough pesos for that motherboard.


Question is -why are you a fanboy? Why do you stick with AMD? Why would anyone stick with for example NVIDIA if they fugged up? Just chose what's best at the moment. AMD is clearly having issues at the moment, so its understandable to not recommend their GPUs. 

Not applicable

I've said its the last straw with this company, if they don't fix this crap for the next update, I'm gone, don't worry, not wasting my time and money I will refund the VII if not fixed, end of story.

Throughout the years AMD have fixed the issues within months but this time its completely unacceptable I agree.

Yes we have had many issues with this company but they always fix the issues.

Also I have 0 issues with AMD for 4 years 2016 / end of 2019 so they need to fix up and fast.

Adept I

loving my AMD 3700X right now, probably the best system I have ever used all previously was intel apart from the AMD 3dnow chip for the quake 2 good ole days


rebootman wrote:

loving my AMD 3700X right now, probably the best system I have ever used all previously was intel apart from the AMD 3dnow chip for the quake 2 good ole days

There are lots of updated quake.exe fixes for moden systems so you can play the classic at 3840x2160 etc

Not applicable

Yes indeed, but even running classic titles like Doom/Quake, the VII downclocks so extreme it causes issues


Quake is so undemanding I can see even a 5 year old card downclock

I see my RX 480 using only 1 of its 36 CU playing Quake in widescreen

Not applicable

Well the FuryX played Doom/quake solid 1150mhz core which was fantastic with mods.

Now with the VII it downclocks to 25mhz, causing stuttering on doom1, what a complete joke.

Have a word AMD.


Watched the video. I must admit that my experience with the VII made me to decide to never buy or utilize AMD products in the future, which even extends to their CPU products. Just not risking the potential for headaches, even when I have to pay more.


i remember playing Quake on a Radeon x600

as usual I will open bidding at 99 cents for unwanted radeon cards

Journeyman III

Mein AMD Radeon müllt meinen Computer zu! was tun?

Not applicable

Wait for the update to fix the power options, or RMA and refund asap.