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General Discussions

Journeyman III


Boa tarde, gostaria de saber se mais alguém está tendo problemas com USB da A320MS2H.

Meu teclado e mouse param de funcionar a todo momento, já testei as tensões da fonte é a que sai das USB da placa e estão corretas.

Já atualizei BIOS.

Já fiz aterramento e testei vários teclados e mouses.

Alguém pra ajudar? Já estou ficando maluco.


3 Replies

I suggest your open a Gigabyte Support ticket to see if they have a BIOS that will fix your USB issues or you need to RMA your motherboard to be checked by Gigabyte.

There are 3 versions of your Motherboard 1.x, 2.x and 3.x. Each have different BIOS versions on it.

You mentioned that you updated your BIOS but not which version you updated to. The latest BIOS for your motherboard from 10/14/2021.

Also what Windows version do you have installed? 

Have you installed the latest AMD CHIPSET package to see if that help with your USB issues from here:


A minha Placa é a Rev 1.1

Atualizei para a ultima versão F54d.

Não abri RMA por que não tenho mais garantia.

Mas obrigado pela resposta. 


If the latest BIOS doesn't fix your problem then try updating your AMD Chipset drivers and see if that fixes it.

Otherwise disconnect all USB hardware to your PC except your Mouse and Keyboard and see if the error goes away in Device Manager.

If it does, start connecting one USB to your computer until the error appears again. Then you will know, at least, which USB hardware is causing the problem.

Otherwise unless someone else has other suggestions i am out of them.