i just wanted to let you guys know. that even though Radeon Re:live is great and is one of the BEST recording softwares. there is a software i found yesterday that is THE BEST, it absolutely DESTROYS. now i love Radeon Re:live even though it doesn't have advanced sound options to prevent discord/steam notifications sounds from being recorded, but for a 6700xt user on 4k it stutters sometimes on certain games (re;live). while OBS is (known) as the best recording software Re:live DESTROYS OBS, obs sucks actually. <- don't use OBS
but the winner of the best recording software is (Action! recorder) now if you want the premium version you have to link your google account and write a review (kind of suspicious) but that doesn't matter because action recorder is absolutely good. it records ONLY game audio (there are settings to change that) it records lossless quality at SMALLER file sizes than Re;live and even obs. (i haven't tried downscaling styled recording with it because it handles 4k like a absolute BEAST)
i just wanted to let you guys know who struggle with recording due to (minor suttering) and what not. that Action! recorder does NOT stutter.
let me explain a example. a 3:36 video recorded with radeon re;live in 4k was 2.01 gbs. while a 8:48 video with action recorded in 4k was only 1.89gbs. YES it was twice as long and smaller.
(not a advertisement, just helping the AMD community out)
Fangirl out.