Firstly, lets clarify some things.
1. Release date is August 31st 8pm EDT (not Sept 1st). This is when we can "PLAY" the game
2. This game is a whopping 125-140gb download. For folks with weaker internet (like myself), this means a download time of almost 48hrs. So if we are going to be "playing" it on release, we'll need the key much earlier.
Anyone know when this steam key will actually be available?
Will we have it in time to be able to "PLAY" the game on the Aug 31st release?
Any idea why AMD is withholding these keys from us? (XBox people already have it downloaded & it's not like Steam will let us play the game early.)
Steam has had preloaded games before. With the way contracts work, there may be some exclusivity to which platform can preload. This could be an issue here, but I'm just guessing.
Not an issue other key sites has already handed out steam keys. This is 100% pure AMD head from their ass issue.
how is your internet that slow? its 2023 dude, i download 100gb in 15 mins
I think you need to understand while in big cities of a less relevant EU country like Portugal, Internet average speeds are high, like upwards of 600mbps. But the rest of the country including small cities only have a connection of 30mbps DSL at best.
And when fiber do gets there, prices are incredibly high for some people, sometimes ISPs charge like 80 or 90euros while minimum wage is 760euros.
So, its not always like that.
Fortunately, since I live in a big city I can get by with 400mbps for 30 euros. While some of my family in the rural area have to pay 50 euros for 15mbps and that is the ONLY option.
While I agree with you, Steam is the ultimate factor here but it will depend on AMD's agreement, I wonder myself if they've even considered people's need to preload.
I have seen them release games to downlaod a few hours before launch. I would check 1 to 2 hours before launch.
AMD's Partnership Claims must be a lie 😉
Why? Heck Even Green Man Gaming has already handed out keys and AMD can't? Talk about communication breakdown and failure... They prob assume the keys are hot and instantly let you play, and no their not, but prob told someone down the line to hand them on the 1st instead of ahead of time so people could start pre-loading tomorrow.
Someone just said steam is allowing people to pre download now.
Yup it is.
Bob this might answer your question. Screen shot from Twitter about AMD key.
so literally right on release? in other words no pre load time.... 😞
why the heck did i go with the official sponsor? literally the only ones who didnt allow users to pre load.... i cannot express my disappointment
You like the word "literally" a lot. I'll show you how to use it:
It literally releases in 24 hours, on the 31st for Americas, and 1st for Others. We are literally the 30th in the Americas, at this time. They gave the codes a literal day ahead for pre-load.