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General Discussions

Adept I

Should I install the new AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 2019 Edition?

I am using Windows 7 SP 1 with Internet Explorer 11 and I am using AMD Radeon HD 7700 version 17.7.2 Radeon Software Edition Crimson ReLive.

Is there any reason that I should install the new AMD Radeon Software Adrenaline 2019 Edition? I do not do gaming. I do watch movies and stream videos, watch TV programs.

Thank you,


2 Replies

Then no, there is no reason to update your drivers.

I second that black_zion with a big HECK NO. That driver was rock solid and one I reccomend to those with current issues. If you don't game you don't want the new drives on that card. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.