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Journeyman III

Screen freezes to a single colour while playing games(mostly)

Hii everyone, i was wondering if someone can help me out with this, i recently bough a PC (second hand), i installed many games, softwares etc it was runing fine first weak then while i was playing csgo my screen frozed  to single color (grey) no errors nothing comeplete grey screen, i waited for 20 sec to see if it fixes it self or give me some errors or something but it didnt so i had to force shutdown my pc. then 3 or 4 days later same thing happend while play Pubg but this time screen frozed to moroon clicked a picture of it .ecebf781-5923-4eb8-9afc-81ea48f2a648.jpg 

i am wondering if the gpu is faulty or something.. plus in some games i feel film grain mostly in cyberpunk and pubg and some frame drops.



Intel core i7 3820

X79 - mobo

8GB DDR3 Ram

650 watts PSU(80+bronze)

RX 580 8gb XFX GPU


any help will be apprecieted. thanks

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