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Journeyman III

sapphire r7 350 & r9 m375x

Yesterday I bougth a sapphire r7 350 but it was detected like r9 m375x. Why is that?

4 Replies

Without further information on your computer setup it will be difficult to find out why your R7-350 was identified as a laptop GPU and not a Desktop GPU.

It is possible you installed the incorrect driver.

Here is the latest AMD Driver for the R7-350 (Desktop) from AMD Download page: AMD Radeon™ R7 350 Drivers & Support | AMD 

If you have a laptop need to know the EXACT Full MAKE & MODEL name.

EDIT: Download and run GPU-Z to see what information it gives on your GPU Card. If possible post an image of the results.  Also was this a Used or New GPU card?

Journeyman III

Thx for the answer. I ll run GPU-Z. I used open hardware monitor and detect it like r9 -m375.

The driver  is the same I used. And reading the info it can be used for both GPU. The graphics manufacturer is Sapphir.

What I think is that they used the chipset of the r9. Im not having any issue, works fine, but is the first time its happen to me

Journeyman III

i have found more info for you Radeon R9 M375X vs R7 M350 


Thx, I just have seen the comparission. But Ibought the sapphire r7 350 2gb