Hey guys my questions is for amd i know this a problem for samsung but amd is inbolve in this situation too , my problem is i bougth a samsung osyssey g7 and this come with a problem, if you activate the freesync who suppoused to be compatible he start to get flickering mallority of the time during games section, i went to the samsung comunity suport i hear some answer from samsung and they said they already know the problem and they are working with nvidea to fix the problem with the gsync compatibility but they didnt said nathing about freesync from amd iam not sure if they dont know free sync have the same problem my question is if someone from AMD can tell me if you guys knows something about this and if your are working to fix that too, and in my research i saw this a problem who ervery body who use adactive sync technologies has , iam just seraching for some info if you can help me thanks Sorry for my english is not the best