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General Discussions

Adept II

Question about updating my bios?

I was wondering how I should go about to update my backup bios should my main bios fail? I am looking to upgrade my ryzen 1600 with the ryzen 3600 but, my motherboard requires a bios update.

ryzen 1600

Gigabyte aorus m b450 currently bios 32

16gb g. skill aegis 2666

amd rx570 4gb gaming

seagate barracuda 500gb ssd

evga 850 watt gold plus

windows 10 1903

3 Replies

As long as the power isn't interrupted, the BIOS update will not fail. If you motherboard has a dual BIOS capability, the procedure for recovery will be detailed in the instruction manual.


Okay, I am just worried that if I update my bios and install the ryzen 3600 and hopefully it won't but, if something does end up making the bios to use the backup, it won't be the updated bios I need to use the ryzen 3600.

The gigabyte motherboard I have for my phenom 2 940be had the dual bios to but, when I would update the bios, after of a couple of normal boots it would copy the updated bios to the backup bios. I don't know if the dual bios still works like that.


not sure about gigabyte but msi motherboards can update the bios even without a cpu or ram installed,

there is some logic on the motherboard to allow a new bios to be installed so that new processors can be used subsequent etc