this is an odd one because when i benchmark in 3DMark or Heaven its all good GPU usage is 99-98 but when i enter a game it never goes up to 90s it always stay around 50-80
its causing alot of fps loss and radeon graps are unstable and all over the place please help i am thinking about RMA ing it
( What i have tried )
DDU - i have used this several times now
Tried 20.4.2 - 20.8.3 - 20.11.2 - 20.12.1 and even the newest Pro Driver !
Re installing the Windows 10
Nearly everything i saw online
Tried diffrent power plans
No i don't have any FPS Limiters on
AMD please help! this is driving me crazy RMA process can take months and i dont even know if my GPU is faulty or some other hardware and i very much need this computer i am studying, is there anything i can do to solve this problem?