Make sure all the cables are connected securely from both ends (make sure they are properly connected)
Clear CMOS (unplug computer from wall socket. Wait 1 minute. Connect these two pins (circled in yellow) with something that conducts electricity (head of flat screwdriver):

Flash BIOS to latest official version (NOT BETA), so 2806:
Run computer with EXPO/DOCP/XMP disabled. Notice that you need to have ytour memory sticks installed on the gray slots, not the black ones if you have two sticks.
Reinstall Windows one more time. Let it update itself. Download chipset driver and GPU driver from
If you use Windows 11 (EDIT: maybe with Win10 too), remember to disable Windows automatic Driver update -> No -> Save changes

Run computer with EXPO/DOCP/XMP disabled. Notice that you need to have your memory sticks installed on the gray slots, not the black ones if you have two sticks.
Sounds like:
- Power supply is broken and can't handle the load when GPU is working (make sure you have two cables starting from PSU and connected to GPU and not just one cable split to two)
- Memory controller can't handle your memory or memory is broken (might work at lower speed, hence test without XMP/DOCP/EXPO)
- Something terribly wrong with CPU cooler (can't recall if you mentioned temperatures) and CPU overheats quickly.
- Could be motherboard related - > broken
- Win11 overwrites AMD's graphics drivers in some cases unless you prevent it (see instruction above)
- Powerbutton of you case has connection issues and keeps sending start/shutdown signal intermittently.
- Short circuit somewhere, maybe behind motherboard. Did you check carefully, that all the motherboard stands screwed on backplate were in correct locations (=where there is a screw hole in motherboard), because if one of them is in wrong place, it can damage things.